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Activist Quotes & Sayings

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Top Activist Quotes

Activist Quotes By Michele Bachmann

We are wide open and vulnerable and in all likelihood an activist judge will strike down our Defense of Marriage Act, our state law against gay marriage, this year. And in all likelihood, we will have gay marriage in 2004 in Minnesota , if we don't get this amendment on the ballot for November. — Michele Bachmann

Activist Quotes By James V. Schall

At first sight, it seems that something, almost anything, must be done about our situation. But it is the genius of Pieper to see that this activist, busy motion is the wrong starting point. Before we can pretend to do anything about the present, we must know what we are, what the world is, and yes, what God is. Construction of a civilization that knows little or nothing of these deeper realities can only make things worse. — James V. Schall

Activist Quotes By Jello Biafra

I got out of that immediately was that now, all of a sudden, rock music had become a spectator sport, that corporate labels and their bands were the new establishment, and punk was there to fight them the way the activist hippies must have fought what the establishment must have been ten years before. And it was interesting to see the reactions in different parts of the country. — Jello Biafra

Activist Quotes By John Cusack

It never hurts to be involved in any political or activist organization. I can never see how participation would be a bad thing. The key is being true to what you participate with and who. — John Cusack

Activist Quotes By Staceyann Chin

Every day I get better at knowing that it is not a choice to be an activist; rather, it is the only way to hold on to the better parts of my human self. It is the only way I can live and laugh without guilt. — Staceyann Chin

Activist Quotes By Jennifer Lopez

Coming up, at 89 years old, acclaimed sculptor Gerson Frank was finally able to marry his longtime partner, Bill. Their relationship has covered three decades and seen many changes in gay rights, but Gerson never viewed himself as an activist. — Jennifer Lopez

Activist Quotes By Joanne Woodward

An activist is someone who makes an effort to see problems that are not being addressed and then makes an effort to make their voice heard. Sometimes there are so many things that it's almost impossible to make your voice heard in every area, but you can sure try. — Joanne Woodward

Activist Quotes By Holly Near

It's been important to me to be a good activist, a good thinker, a good musician, a good singer, and a good entertainer. You can't do it all, but I have walked those delicate lines as best I know how. — Holly Near

Activist Quotes By Gloria Reuben

In my work as an actress and an activist, I've spent many years working with low income communities and people of color who don't always have a voice in our political process. — Gloria Reuben

Activist Quotes By Timothy Snyder

Some believed that Satan had come to earth in human form as a party activist, his collective farm register a book of hell, promising torment and damnation. — Timothy Snyder

Activist Quotes By Patrick Califia-Rice

There seems to be a psychological law of inertia that bogs down every hopeful activist and subverts every revolution. When compassion and empathy fail, backsliding begins. Or totalitarianism. — Patrick Califia-Rice

Activist Quotes By Norman Lear

I guess because the shows were activist in their own way - the marriage of my public activism and my career activism, you know - people understand me very well. They also understand there's a very strong bipartisan part in all of this. — Norman Lear

Activist Quotes By Dick Gregory

Because I'm a civil rights activist, I am also an animal rights activist. Animals and humans suffer and die alike. Violence causes the same pain, the same spilling of blood, the same stench of death, the same arrogant, cruel and vicious taking of life. We shouldn't be a part of it. — Dick Gregory

Activist Quotes By Eve Ensler

An activist is someone who cannot help but fight for something. That person is not usually motivated by a need for power or money or fame, but in fact is driven slightly mad by some injustice, some cruelty, some unfairness, so much so that he or she is compelled by some internal moral engine to act to make it better. — Eve Ensler

Activist Quotes By Karen Bass

I have been a lifelong community activist and frankly did not dream of being in public office. — Karen Bass

Activist Quotes By Stockwell Day

The place to find the explanation for the liberal-activist mindset of the courts is in the political arena. — Stockwell Day

Activist Quotes By Robert Bork

Conservatives ... may decide to join the game and seek activist judges with conservative views. Should that come to pass, those who have tempted the courts to political judging will have gained nothing for themselves but will have destroyed a great and essential institution ... There are only two sides. Either the Constitution and statutes are law, which means their principles are known and control judges, or they are malleable texts that judges may rewrite to see that particular groups or political causes win. — Robert Bork

Activist Quotes By D.B.C. Pierre

There isn't a name for my situation. Firstly because I decided to kill myself. And then because of this idea:
I don't have to do it immediately.
Whoosh, through a little door. It's a limbo.
I need never answer the phone again or pay a bill. My credit score no longer matters. Fears and compulsions don't matter. Socks don't matter. Because I'll be dead. And who am I to die? A microwave chef. A writer of pamphlets. A product of our time. A failed student. A faulty man. A bad poet. An activist in two minds. A drinker of chocolate milk, and when there's no chocolate, of strawberry and sometimes banana. — D.B.C. Pierre

Activist Quotes By Tooji Keshtkar

God is love. Prejudice and hatred is an act of man. -Tooji — Tooji Keshtkar

Activist Quotes By Dean Spade

Making my work more visual is something I am increasingly excited about. I am hopeful that it will broaden access to some of the ideas being engaged in activist and scholarly communities of which I am part. — Dean Spade

Activist Quotes By Blake Nelson

I denounce the do-gooders, the feel-gooders, the "activist clubs," and anyone else who makes people feel like the problem is being taken care of. Trust me. The problem is not being taken care of. — Blake Nelson

Activist Quotes By Gloria Steinem

As an activist, you do find yourself directed more toward public action. But I've always tried to use stories from my own life in my writing for instance. It has always been clear to me that the stories of each other's lives are our best textbooks. Every social justice movement that I know of has come out of people sitting in small groups, telling their life stories, and discovering that other people have shared similar experiences. So, if we've shared many experiences, then it probably has something to do with power or politics, and if we unify and act together, then we can make a change. — Gloria Steinem

Activist Quotes By Rosalyn Sussman Yalow

There is at present in the United States a powerful activist movement that is anti-intellectual, anti-science, and anti-technology. If we are to have faith that mankind will survive and thrive on the face of the Earth, we must depend on the continued revolutions brought about by science. — Rosalyn Sussman Yalow

Activist Quotes By John Trudell

I think it's the responsibility of every human being, not just those who wear the identity of poet, activist, voter, religious person ... it's the responsibility of every person. Our responsibility is to use our intelligence as clearly and coherently as we possibly can. — John Trudell

Activist Quotes By Jurnee Smollett

Fortunately, I come from an activist mother, so I didn't have to rely on the history books. The history books teach us nothing about the Underground Railroad aside from Harriet Tubman. So I knew more about it but, obviously, I had to dig deeper and expand my knowledge and do a lot of research once I took this project on. I had, like, a good two months to research before we started shooting, which isn't a lot, and I continued it throughout the five months of us shooting. — Jurnee Smollett

Activist Quotes By Hassan Blasim

While I was studying film at the Academy, the problems started. I wasn't a political activist directly in the time of Saddam [Hussein], because the dictator was so cruel and brutal that no one could criticize or complain. I felt futile and empty. The only solution in Iraq was to run away. — Hassan Blasim

Activist Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

There is something about eating animals that tends to polarize: never eat them or never sincerely question eating them; become an activist or disdain activists. — Jonathan Safran Foer

Activist Quotes By Talib Kweli

If I focus on being an activist and my job is to be a rapper, I'm not going to be as good of a rapper. I need to focus on hip-hop and focus on making the music, so that when the activists come to me and they need my voice to create a platform, then I've got enough people listening to me. Not because I'm conscious, but because I'm dope. — Talib Kweli

Activist Quotes By Douglas Rushkoff

As a writer and sometime activist who needs to promote my books and articles and occasionally rally people to one cause or another, I found Facebook fast and convenient. Though I never really used it to socialize, I figured it was OK to let other people do that, and I benefited from their behavior. — Douglas Rushkoff

Activist Quotes By Octavia Spencer

I don't have one role that I want to play. I guess ... I want to be a producer. I want to be an activist. I want to be proactive in bringing about work for men, women, boys, girls, everybody who is good at what they do and deserve a shot at it. — Octavia Spencer

Activist Quotes By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

White writers can be blunt about race and get all activist because their anger isn't threatening — Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Activist Quotes By Tim Cook

I don't consider myself an activist, but I realize how much I've benefited from the sacrifice of others. So if hearing that the CEO of Apple is gay can help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or inspire people to insist on their equality, then it's worth the trade-off with my own privacy. — Tim Cook

Activist Quotes By Ric O'Barry

If you aren't an activist you're an inactivist. — Ric O'Barry

Activist Quotes By Holly Near

The bravest warriors are the ones who stand for peace. — Holly Near

Activist Quotes By Jim Crace

In the U.K., a lot of writers won't show up to support activist issues because they figure they're already repairing the world. I don't want to be one of those people. — Jim Crace

Activist Quotes By Aberjhani

President Obama appears to me to have elevated and implemented the artist-activist concept to the role of empowered servant-leader ... — Aberjhani

Activist Quotes By John Ferling

The surface causes of Adams's anxieties are not difficult to discern. Every activist knew the penalty for treason. Every congressman knew that prison, perhaps death, would be his reward if the American rebellion failed. — John Ferling

Activist Quotes By Wolfgang Tillmans

On the one hand I follow a vocation because I have an ability that I should exercise, but I want to use it for a reason, because I don't see that the freedoms that I enjoy are God-given realities. So I have a very healthy, activist general tension in me which feels that no, this is not gratuitous, it is important to keep this in focus. — Wolfgang Tillmans

Activist Quotes By Derrick Jensen

Sometimes people say to me they're against all forms of violence. A few weeks ago, I got a call from a pacifist activist who said, "Violence never accomplishes anything, and besides, it's really stupid." I asked, "What types of violence are you against?" "All types." "How do you eat? And do you defecate? From the perspective of carrots and intestinal flora, respectively, those actions are very violent." "Don't be absurd," he said. "You know what I mean." Actually I didn't. The definitions of violence we normally use are impossibly squishy, especially for such an emotionally laden, morally charged, existentially vital, and politically important word. This squishiness makes our discourse surrounding violence even more meaningless than it would otherwise be, which is saying a lot. — Derrick Jensen

Activist Quotes By Jeremiah Walton

There are horrible events going on all over the world. Human beings are really fucking up. Poets, we can't just write poems. We have to put poems into action. — Jeremiah Walton

Activist Quotes By Astra Taylor

I work for free all the time, as a writer but also as an activist. The decisions we have to make as individuals are really fraught but also can be really wonderful and we're all navigating this reality to the best of our abilities. But, again, I wanted to take a step back and look at the broader context. — Astra Taylor

Activist Quotes By Gloria Steinem

Meanwhile in Wichita, Kansas, Dr. George Tiller, one of the few doctors who performs late-term abortions - only about 1 percent of all procedures but crucial when, for instance, a fetus develops without a brain - is shot in both arms by a female picketer. He recovers and continues serving women who come to him from many states. I finally meet Dr. Tiller in 2008 at a New York gathering of Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health. I ask him if he has ever helped a woman who was protesting at his clinic. He says: "Of course, I'm there to help them, not to add to their troubles. They probably already feel guilty." In 2009 Dr. Tiller is shot in the head at close range by a male activist hiding inside the Lutheran church where the Tiller family worships each Sunday. This is done in the name of being "pro-life. — Gloria Steinem

Activist Quotes By Thomas Sowell

Implicit in the activist conception of government is the assumption that you can take the good things in a complex system for granted, and just improve the things that are not so good. What is lacking in this conception is any sense that a society, an institution, or even a single human being, is an intricate system of fragile inter-relationships, whose complexities are little understood and easily destabilized. — Thomas Sowell

Activist Quotes By Tom McCall

You all know I have terminal cancer-and I have a lot of it. But what you may not know is that stress induces its spread and induces its activity. Stress may even bring it on. Yet stress is the fuel of the activist. — Tom McCall

Activist Quotes By Renee Montagne

Berta Caceres was a Lenca Indian activist well-known in her country, shot in her home. She was not only known in Honduras, she was one of the world's best-known environmentalists and had recently opposed plans for a dam on a river considered sacred by the Lenca. Honduran police have said they are investigating the murder as a botched robbery, but many of her colleagues believe Caceres was targeted. — Renee Montagne

Activist Quotes By Laurence Steinberg

Adolescents have the right to be themselves. The fact that you were the belle of the ball, the captain of the lacrosse team, the president of your senior class, Phi Beta Kappa, or a political activist doesn't mean that your teenager will be or should be the same ... Likewise, the fact that you were a wallflower, uncoordinated, and a C student shouldn't mean that you push your child to be everything you were not. — Laurence Steinberg

Activist Quotes By Jehane Noujaim

When I hear the words 'activist filmmaking,' I think of somebody who's an activist, who wants to prove a particular point. — Jehane Noujaim

Activist Quotes By Ayelet Shaked

I am very proud of our Supreme Court - it is one of the best worldwide. Nevertheless, since the 1990s, we have seen a certain imbalance in the relationship between the judiciary, the parliament and the government. The Supreme Court behaved in an activist way. We have to debate the degree to which such Supreme Court activism is appropriate. — Ayelet Shaked

Activist Quotes By Frederick Douglass

American labor rights activist, on activities of the National Farm Workers Association Human law may know no distinction among men in respect of rights, but human practice may. — Frederick Douglass

Activist Quotes By Chaz Bono

I've been an activist in the LGBT community for a long time. I think nothing's changed, I'm just a little bit more focused on the 'T' now than I was on the 'L' or the 'G.' — Chaz Bono

Activist Quotes By Assata Shakur

I have been a political activist most of my life and many groups have attempted to label me as a criminal because of my outspoken beliefs. I am not a criminal and I have never been one. — Assata Shakur

Activist Quotes By Jonathan Safran Foer

I'm a novelist, I'm not an activist. I'm not a non-fiction writer, I'm not a journalist. I'm not a foodie, I'm not even really an animal person, or an environmentalist. I did the best I could with this, but it's not who I am. — Jonathan Safran Foer

Activist Quotes By Ela Bhatt

Statistics in the hands of activists have power. — Ela Bhatt

Activist Quotes By Lierre Keith

Understand: the task of an activist is not to negotiate systems of power with as much personal integrity as possible
it's to dismantle those systems. — Lierre Keith

Activist Quotes By Mary Blakely

What stunned me was the regular assertion that feminists were "anti-family." ... It was motherhood that got me into the movementin the first place. I became an activist after recognizing how excruciatingly personal the political was to me and my sons. It was the women's movement that put self-esteem back into "just a housewife," rescuing our intelligence from the junk pile of "instinct" and making it human, deliberate, powerful. — Mary Blakely

Activist Quotes By Tariq Ramadan

I want to be an activist professor. — Tariq Ramadan

Activist Quotes By Dick Durbin

Judge Samuel Alito, millions of Americans are concerned about your nomination. They're worried that you would be a judicial activist who would restrict our rights and freedoms. — Dick Durbin

Activist Quotes By Winona LaDuke

Someone needs to explain to me why wanting clean drinking water makes you an activist, and why proposing to destroy water with chemical warfare doesnt make a corporation a terrorist — Winona LaDuke

Activist Quotes By Steve-O

I'm a proud vegan, whistle-blower, and animal rights activist. — Steve-O

Activist Quotes By Joe Biden

I was not an activist. — Joe Biden

Activist Quotes By Shannon L. Alder

The goal for most people should not be to feel better, but to get better at feeling. — Shannon L. Alder

Activist Quotes By Sylvia Thompson

Finally, a prominent nation is taking on the homosexual agenda and rejecting it outright. A number of African nations have done the same, but third-world countries are not newsworthy to mainstream media. The irony is stunning that a Communist nation would understand that preserving the value of men and women marrying and producing children makes for demographic survival, while many American Christian leaders cower in the shadows, in fear of activist homosexuals and their leftist supporters. I say 'cheers' to the Russians on this one. That nation will probably outlive America. — Sylvia Thompson

Activist Quotes By Perry Link

In writing about Red Guard activists during the Cultural Revolution, Anita Chan has observed that the "playing of a role in China was more than a sociological abstraction. Role-playing involved literal play-acting: a conscious assumption of the mannerisms and ways of speaking appropriate to the activist status and role."187 — Perry Link

Activist Quotes By Christopher L. Hayes

In Parton's telling, the Village is "a permanent D.C. ruling class who has managed to convince themselves that they are simple, puritanical, bourgeois burghers and farmers, even though they are actually celebrity millionaires influencing the most powerful government on earth."17 It's not just the activist base of the left and the right who have recognized the widespread elite failure; more and more individual elites have broken ranks to acknowledge their own responsibility. — Christopher L. Hayes

Activist Quotes By Deborah Ellis

When the Taliban took over in 1996, the news of their crimes hit the Toronto papers. As a feminist and as an anti-war activist, I heard about what was happening to women, and I wanted to do something to support those folks. — Deborah Ellis

Activist Quotes By John Oliver

If I wanted to take a more activist or journalistic slant in work, I should probably just go be an activist or a journalist. But I'm happy being a comedian. — John Oliver

Activist Quotes By David Oyelowo

We start 'The Butler' in June and that's incredibly exciting for me because I get to work with the amazing Forest Whitaker again. It's a phenomenal script and a great, great role - I play his son. Oprah Winfrey is his wife and my mother. My character is a radical civil rights activist. — David Oyelowo

Activist Quotes By Derrick Jensen

We can follow the example of those who remembered that the role of an activist is not to navigate systems of oppressive power with as much integrity as possible, but rather to confront and take down those systems. — Derrick Jensen

Activist Quotes By Bill Ayers

The rhythm of being an activist today involves a pretty simple rhythm. You have to open your eyes to the reality before you. You have to look and see. — Bill Ayers

Activist Quotes By Jon Stewart

Ralph Nader choose the man with whom to share the responsibility of running a distant third, California activist Peter Camejo. You may remember that Camejo ran for president in 1976 on the Socialist Workers Party ticket. Actually, you might only remember that if you run a lesbian, vegetarian, bookstore. — Jon Stewart

Activist Quotes By The Invisible Committee

The past has given us much too many bad answers for us not to see that the mistakes were in the questions themselves. There is no need to choose between the fetishism of spontaneity and the organization control; between the "come one, come all" of activist networks and the discipline of hierarchy; between acting desperately now and waiting desperately for later; between bracketing that which is to be lived and experimented in the name of paradise that seems more and more like a hell the longer it is put off and flogging the dead horse of how planting carrots is enough to leave this nightmare. — The Invisible Committee

Activist Quotes By Rick Bass

When you sign on to be an activist in northwest Montana, people in the grocery store will avoid eye contact, particularly if they're hanging out with outspoken opponents to your views. — Rick Bass

Activist Quotes By Erin O'Connor

I've been on both sides: the victim and the villain. I was the victimised model, and everything from my weight to my fertility was held up for discussion. And then I was the person that could garner some kind of positive outcome, by taking on the role of vice chairman of the British Fashion Council and becoming an activist of body image. — Erin O'Connor

Activist Quotes By Russell Banks

John Brown first swam into my vision in the 1960s when I was a political activist in the civil rights movement and the anti-war movement at Chapel Hill, where I went to university. — Russell Banks

Activist Quotes By John Ortberg

sacred pathways Naturalist - finds God in nature Ascetic - is drawn to disciplines Traditionalist - loves historical liturgies Activist - comes alive spiritually in a great cause Caregiver - meets God in serving Sensate - senses God through five senses Enthusiast - loves to grow through people Contemplative - is drawn to solitary reflection and prayer Intellectual - loves God by learning (For more information on these categories, read — John Ortberg

Activist Quotes By Jose Antonio Vargas

I am not a lobbyist. I am not a political activist. I am not a leader, as far as I'm concerned. — Jose Antonio Vargas

Activist Quotes By Iman

My mother was an activist; so was my father. They came from a generation of young Somalis who were actively involved in getting independence for Somalia in 1960. — Iman

Activist Quotes By Anna Beer

John Milton almost single-handedly created the identity of the writer as political activist. — Anna Beer

Activist Quotes By Tommy Chong

When they put me in jail, that's when they turned me into an activist. Up until the time I went to jail, I was just a comedian. — Tommy Chong

Activist Quotes By Serj Tankian

I don't want to spend all my time working as an activist. I don't get satisfaction out of it. I'd rather be doing something else. I'm a musician. — Serj Tankian

Activist Quotes By Karen Bass

You know, I was a community activist, so I'm used to standing out in front of an elected official's office and protesting. — Karen Bass

Activist Quotes By Carlos Delgado

I'm a baseball player, I'm not a political activist. — Carlos Delgado

Activist Quotes By Jeremiah Walton

Words are fossilized butterfly wings,
pretty to look at sometimes,
but only good for Museums.
I want to miserably burn down the Museums. — Jeremiah Walton

Activist Quotes By Bill Ayers

Martin Luther King was only an activist for 13 years and every year he changed and every year he became more radical. By the end he was calling for revolution. People don't know this because they go to too many prayer breakfasts on his birthday. — Bill Ayers

Activist Quotes By George Takei

I've been an activist since my late teens. I take this very seriously and try to use the gift that's been given to me - access to the media - as positively as I can. — George Takei

Activist Quotes By Martin Burns

I've certainly long described myself as an activist. But an agitator? Well, yes, that too, I think. — Martin Burns

Activist Quotes By Ariel Levy

I'm a writer, not an activist. My job is to analyse things, to think them through and examine them. — Ariel Levy

Activist Quotes By Zadie Smith

A feminist who had always been supported by men - first my father and now the Noted Activist - and who, though she continually harangued me about the "nobility of labor," had never, as far as I knew, actually been gainfully employed. — Zadie Smith

Activist Quotes By Yann Arthus-Bertrand

The Rio Earth Summit in 1992 changed my life completely, turning me into an activist. From the air, you see things you can't see from the ground - you really understand the impact of man, even in a place you know well. My work is meant to convince people we can no longer live like this. — Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Activist Quotes By Merritt Wever

Unfortunately, I don't think I can call myself an activist because I don't really do enough of anything. — Merritt Wever

Activist Quotes By Angela Y. Davis

What can we learn from women like Gertrude "Ma" Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday that we may not be able to learn from Ida B. Wells, Anna Julia Cooper, and Mary Church Terrell? If we were beginning to appreciate the blasphemies of fictionalized blues women - especially their outrageous politics of sexuality - and the knowledge that might be gleaned from their lives about the possibilities of transforming gender relations within black communities, perhaps we also could benefit from a look at the artistic contributions of the original blues women. — Angela Y. Davis

Activist Quotes By E.A. Bucchianeri

I detect the activist returning with a vengence. — E.A. Bucchianeri

Activist Quotes By Pearl Cleage

I was raised in a very activist household so that I grew up surrounded by people who were activists. — Pearl Cleage

Activist Quotes By Dalton McGuinty

I've tried to lead a progressive, activist government. — Dalton McGuinty

Activist Quotes By Angela Davis

I think the importance of doing activist work is precisely because it allows you to give back and to consider yourself not as a single individual who may have achieved whatever but to be a part of an ongoing historical movement. — Angela Davis

Activist Quotes By DaShanne Stokes

Don't be a witness. Be an activist. — DaShanne Stokes

Activist Quotes By Jessica Valenti

Social media is not just another way to connect feminist and activist voices - it amplifies our messages as well. — Jessica Valenti

Activist Quotes By Yoko Ono

You can't always measure the effects of activist work; you just have to wish and pray that the message gets through. — Yoko Ono

Activist Quotes By William A. Rusher

They seemed like a team. And I think it is fair to say that Roosevelt was the consummate politician and that Eleanor was the socially conscious activist. It gave them a nice combination of yang and yin, which they took advantage of. And I think it worked very well for them politically. — William A. Rusher

Activist Quotes By Lucy R. Lippard

I intensely dislike the word 'critic,' because it puts you in an antagonistic position to artists. I've learned everything that I know about art from artists ... I see myself as an advocate and an activist and a writer. — Lucy R. Lippard