Famous Quotes & Sayings

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes & Sayings

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Top Abhorrent Behavior Quotes

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Michael J. Fox

Certainly people have a lot tougher situations than I've had to deal with. But I will say we are all dying from the moment we are born. This is not just rehearsal. — Michael J. Fox

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Rand Paul

In a free society, we will tolerate boorish people, who have abhorrent behavior, but if we're civilized people, we publicly criticize that, and don't belong to those groups or don't associate with those people. — Rand Paul

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By George Stephanopoulos

I do not believe that loyalty should demand defending behavior that I find abhorrent. — George Stephanopoulos

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Cullen Hightower

If we fixed a hangnail the way our government fixes the economy, we'd slam a car door on it. — Cullen Hightower

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Dennis Brown

The bottom line is that Dennis Brown is alive and well, and he's got two lungs and they're kicking and I'm still spitting out them notes. — Dennis Brown

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Christina Baldwin

When story and behavior are consistent, we relax; when story and behavior are inconsistent, we get tense. We have a deep psychological need for our stories and behaviors to be consistent. We need to be able to trust the story, because it's the lens through which we see reality. We will go to great lengths in the attempt to make a story that explains an action and supports or restores consistency. If we cannot make story and action fit, we either have to make a new story or change the action ... [But] The drive for consistency and the ability to redefine abhorrent action so it fits the story are very complex issues. We have a huge ability to continue believing stories we are told are true in order to stay comfortable with actions we don't want to change, or don't feel capable of changing. — Christina Baldwin

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By David Mixner

While the behavior of the Russian government, Putin and Putin punks are abhorrent, nothing will be changed by boycotting the Sochi Winter Games. In fact, those who are appalled by the treatment of LGBT Russian citizens will lose an incredible opportunity for the world to show their disgust. — David Mixner

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Jacque Fresco

Crime is based upon need, making money. People sell drugs to make money. But if everybody is cared for, they don't sell drugs and if there's no money you can't sell drugs even if you wanted to. There'd be no such thing as gambling, prostitution, or selling out, or paying off a senator or a governor. There are no senators, there are no governors so you can't pay them off. If you take away the basis or the condition that generate abhorrent behavior, you don't have abhorrent behavior. — Jacque Fresco

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Holly Lisle

Race doesn't exist.
Skin color exists. Hair and eye color are real. Body type varies from individual to individual, as does tooth shape and color, the form of fingernails, and the amount and texture of body hair. But 'race' is a phantom conjured up by people no different from each other than purebred Cocker spaniels are. Race is a lie, and the people who conjure by it, no matter their color or their politics, are liars. — Holly Lisle

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Dick Dale

I have all the rhythm in my left hand, and I use the rhythms that Gene Krupa did on his drums. — Dick Dale

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By George Thorogood

I'm talking like 10, 12 years old. Either junior brings Mom and Pop or Mom and Pop bring the kids. I'm talking young here, not a college drinking crowd. — George Thorogood

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Wendell Pierce

We always see abhorrent behavior and say why, but then we get mad when somebody tries to answer. — Wendell Pierce

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Christiane Nusslein-Volhard

People think if you have deciphered the genome of humans that you can change everything. But you cannot change everything, because you do not know what the genes mean, and you have no methods for changing them, and you can't do experiments with humans like you can with animals. — Christiane Nusslein-Volhard

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Ibn Majah

An adulterer will not commit adultery when he has full faith (in Allah), and a thief will not steal when he has full faith (in Allah).. — Ibn Majah

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Terence Winter

Any abhorrent behavior is more interesting to me. I'm always amazed when somebody asks me, 'Why don't you write something about nice people?' Because nice people are boring, that's why. — Terence Winter

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Karrie Webb

Golf's a funny game. You can be playing poorly and then go and win a tournament. — Karrie Webb

Abhorrent Behavior Quotes By Marley Shelton

There's something fabulously decadent about staying in a hotel across the street from where you live. — Marley Shelton