Famous Quotes & Sayings

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes & Sayings

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Top 30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Ovid

Daring is not safe against daring men. — Ovid

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Kevin Garnett

Sometimes when I hear commentating, it's sickening. People who never played the game, people who never played in the league have an opinion, and that's all it is. You are here to educate the watcher or the viewer. Sometimes it comes off as personal. — Kevin Garnett

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Patrick Jones

An angel once found a demon broken and nearly dead. The angel held out his arm to help the demond. The demond looked at the angel and asked 'Why would you save an evil demond like me?' The angel answered, 'Because without you there is no me. — Patrick Jones

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Richard Dawkins

The human brain runs first-class simulation software. Our eyes don't present to our brains a faithful photograph of what is out there, or an accurate movie of what is going on through time. Our brains construct a continuously updated model: updated by coded pulses chattering along the optic nerve, but constructed nevertheless. Optical illusions are vivid reminders of this.47 A major class of illusions, of which the Necker Cube is an example, arise because the sense data that the brain receives are compatible with two alternative models of reality. The brain, having no basis for choosing between them, alternates, and we experience a series of flips from one internal model to the other. The picture we are looking at appears, almost literally, to flip over and become something else. — Richard Dawkins

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Mel White

Real love cannot be silent in the face of injustice. — Mel White

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Yuval Levin

Just as solidarity had an underside of repression, so liberalization had an underside of chaos; — Yuval Levin

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Peter Uihlein

Winning is fun and great, but I would rather have a long, successful and healthy career than a short one with a few wins. — Peter Uihlein

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Randy Alcorn

Tomorrow's character is made out of today's thoughts. Temptation may come suddenly, but sin does not. — Randy Alcorn

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Jakob Nielsen

On the Web, all advantages are temporary, and you must keep innovating to stay ahead — Jakob Nielsen

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Jean-Luc Godard

People come to Cannes just to advertise their films, not with a particular message. But the advantage is that if you go to the festival, you get so much press coverage in three days that it advertises the film for the rest of the year. — Jean-Luc Godard

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Alexander Freed

Fear was like heat applied to steal: Applied correctly it might forge a blade; overused, it turned metal to slag. — Alexander Freed

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Mahatma Gandhi

The purer I try to become, the nearer I feel to be to God. — Mahatma Gandhi

30 Best Mike Tyson Quotes By Leif Enger

Once torched by truth, Swede wrote years later, a little thing like faith is easy. — Leif Enger