1984 Power Of Language Quotes & Sayings
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Top 1984 Power Of Language Quotes

Self-centeredness will bring on the destruction of our world. National pride separates people. All people need the same thing. When you really get down to it, you'll find that all people need good food, clean water, clean air, and a decent environment, meaning education as to how to relate to one another and to avoid conflict, how to accept the differences where different people draw different conclusions. — Jacque Fresco

So this is what commodity corn can do to a cow: industrialize the miracle of nature that is a ruminant, taking this sunlight- and prairie grass-powered organism and turning it into the last thing we need: another fossil fuel machine. This one, however, is able to suffer. — Michael Pollan

foundations, laid in the dark but well laid. On these, methodically and carefully but with a deftness and certainty that seemed nothing of his own but a knowledge working through him, using him as its vehicle, he built up the beautiful steadfast structure of the Principles of Simultaneity. Takver, — Ursula K. Le Guin

I am prouder of my years as a single mother than of any other part of my life. — J.K. Rowling

Sorrow makes us all children again-destroys all differences of intellect. the wisest know nothing. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

If I need something, even a pair of socks, my assistant has to get them for me. — Patricia Velasquez

I was nearly drunk on her scent before I even tasted her. — Meredith Wild

Do not think that we say that these things are only to be received by faith, but also that they are to be asserted by reason. For indeed it is not safe to commit these things to bare faith without reason, since assuredly truth cannot be without reason. — Clement Of Alexandria

I admit that the black man is inferior. But what is it that makes him so? It is the ignorance in which white men compel him to live; — Harriet Jacobs