Wendy Byrne Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Wendy Byrne.
Famous Quotes By Wendy Byrne

Here's the deal: no touching, no hand-holding, no flirting, no sexy talk, no dancing, and absolutely no kissy face."
"You didn't mention no sex, did you? I might have you on a technicality."
"You and me alone, eating, talking, maybe even having a good time. Yeah, it might be a date."
"I've seen what's in your pantry, and I respect my arteries too much to indulge."
"That's the thing about snakes - even if they're harmless, they look like such badasses it doesn't really matter."
"You're lying. You're really wearing a pair of granny panties. — Wendy Byrne

Don't take the bait if she asks you if you like sex toys. — Wendy Byrne

And here I thought the orgasm came with the coffee. — Wendy Byrne

I feel your pain. My vibrator needed batteries. — Wendy Byrne