Walter Williams Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 2 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Walter Williams.
Famous Quotes By Walter Williams
I respect ordinary thieves much more than I respect politicians. Ordinary thieves take my money without pretense. Unlike typical politicians, these thieves don't bore me with silly explanations of why their thievery is for the greater good. Nor do ordinary thieves insult my intelligence by proclaiming that they'll use the money that they steal from me to make my life better than I would have made my life had my money not been swiped from me. — Walter Williams
Maybe your college professor taught that the legacy of colonialism explains Third World poverty. That's nonsense as well. Canada was a colony. So were Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong. In fact, the richest country in the world, the United States, was once a colony. By contrast, Ethiopia, Liberia, Tibet, Sikkim, Nepal and Bhutan were never colonies, but they are home to the world's poorest people. — Walter Williams