Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Volker Halbach.
Famous Quotes By Volker Halbach
The relation of loving contains exactly those ordered pairs such that d loves e. This relation is presumably not reflexive on the set of all persons: some people do not love themselves. Much grief is caused by the fact that this relation is not symmetric.... — Volker Halbach
Famous Quotes
He was no doubt correct. "Greed is all-consuming," I remarked. He laughed. "You poor idiot. The day of the gentleman is over. Only those with money will matter, only those who can pay will command respect and attention. You are puffed with pride because of your so-called honor, but your honor will disappear. Wealth will become honor, and I will have all of it." His smile widened. "You are not answering, Captain? What is the matter?" My voice went cold and hard. "I have no wish to waste time lecturing you. You are a fool, and soon you will learn how much of a fool." Author: Ashley Gardner