Vivien Alcock Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Vivien Alcock.
Famous Quotes By Vivien Alcock

A half-drowned stranger was more exciting than a bruised and exhausted daughter. She could be dying for all they'd care, she thought angrily, picking at a deep scratch on her leg, trying to make it bleed again. — Vivien Alcock

In a way, a man's life depended on the china horse. Or at least on the breaking of the china horse. — Vivien Alcock

Felicity was more romantic. She's waiting for her lover. He's a sailor and she's watching for his ship to come in. Nobody's dared tell her it's been wrecked and her lover is at the bottom of the sea. She'll go on waiting and waiting until her red hair turns as white as his bones- Good. — Vivien Alcock

She seemed out of place at the Fairweather. Too posh, as Susan said. Too well dressed. She never strolled along the shore or went bathing or brought a picture postcard. She just sat on the veranda all day with a book she never read, gazing out to sea. Probably wondering why on earth she came here. Susan had said. She looks as if she'd be more at home in Monte Carlo. I know- she's lost all her money gambling and she's waiting for the sea to warm up before she throws herself in. I hope she remembers to pay her bill first. — Vivien Alcock

Do you think you could stop crying for a minute? It makes conversation a bit difficult. — Vivien Alcock