Virginia H. Pearce Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 21 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Virginia H. Pearce.
Famous Quotes By Virginia H. Pearce

Think of prayer as a fundamental exercise we use to build core spiritual strength. Like exercise for our bodies, it has to be consistent - every single day - to build strength. — Virginia H. Pearce

You and I cannot possibly know the hidden pain eating holes in individual lives, so if we want to be saviors, in partnership with the Lord, we will be kind to everyone, everywhere, all of the time. — Virginia H. Pearce

namaste - it means, roughly translated, "I honor the Deity within you." that is precisely what we do when we open our hearts to another; we honor the fact that he or she, like us, is a child or the same loving Father, worthy of all respect and careful attention. — Virginia H. Pearce

Forgiveness is not between me and the one who has hurt me; it is between me and the Lord. — Virginia H. Pearce

When we have been hurt, slighted, or wounded unfairly, we are not left alone to bear it. We can get on our knees and ask for the Lord's help to forgive. — Virginia H. Pearce

Humility is to joyfully, voluntarily and quietly submit one's whole life to God's will, to finally use the gift of agency to give one's life back to Him. — Virginia H. Pearce

Holding on to expectations is often the source of unforgiving feelings. — Virginia H. Pearce

In fact, for all of us it is this open-hearted affirmation that my life is the same as yours that moves us forward much faster than when we believe that others' lives are orderly and peaceful and only ours is chaotic and full of bumps. — Virginia H. Pearce

Keep it small. Keep it simple. Give it time. An exercise program such as yoga is a slow process. It is slow by design. But, in order to secure the gains and add to them, you have to keep it up. And guess what, the more you do it, the more your desire to do it grows. It is the same with building core spiritual muscles. You may have a period of intense growth - perhaps some adversity that drives you to your knees and calls forth the blessings of heaven. But to secure those gains, we must continue to invite the Holy Ghost into our lives - daily. — Virginia H. Pearce

We mirror God's mercy to us when we forgive another. — Virginia H. Pearce

Out-of-whack emotions are always a good beginning point for identifying beliefs that aren't really true, an easy red flag for our inquiry. Exaggerated emotions of anxiety or discouragement invite us to trace them back to the thoughts that are creating them. — Virginia H. Pearce

I am blessed, personally, beyond measure, and yet oddly enough, I, too, struggle to feel His love for me every day. When I stack my obstacles against others' they seem to frivolous to be authentic. And yet, this mortal existence is designed by a genius, so that we all will, no matter our circumstances or parentage or gifts, have to exercise our agency to come to Him. And so though my problems may seem small to an outsider, they are big enough for me to desperately need Him. — Virginia H. Pearce

I believe that our ability to worship God, to reaffirm our covenants and receive the healing power of the Holy Ghost, to receive the instruction we need in order to make personal progress - all of these things are greatly affected by how secure and safe we feel in our Church environment during the three-hour block of time on Sundays. If we have to spend our energy dealing with feelings that we are not accepted, being concerned about our appearance, or worrying that what we do or say will be judged harshly, in other words that the fellowship of our ward members is anything but "fixed, immovable, and unchangeable", we certainly won't be able to make the kind of progress we could make otherwise. — Virginia H. Pearce

Yes. When I want to fill my heart with His love, I open my eyes to the creations of His hand, especially the ones that seem outrageously and uselessly beautiful--sunsets, sunrises, ice crystals, patterns in drying mud, golden cottonwood leaves against red rock cliffs, the melancholy sound of the first cricket in August, moss-covered rocks in a mountain stream, the way a baby laughs before she can do useful things such as talking or walking. — Virginia H. Pearce

Why is fear part of earth life? Perhaps our Heavenly Father's greatest hope is that through our fears we may choose to turn to Him. The uncertainties of earth life can help to remind each of us that we are dependent on Him. But that reminder is not automatic. It involves our agency. We must choose to take our fears to Him, choose to trust Him, and choose to allow Him to direct us. We must make these choices when what we feel most inclined to do is to rely more and more on our own frantic and often distorted thinking. — Virginia H. Pearce

Positive reinforcement changes behavior for the better, while criticism stabilizes negative behaviors and blocks change. — Virginia H. Pearce

Forgiveness doesn't mean we have to pretend someone didn't hurt us. — Virginia H. Pearce

Sometimes forgiveness is instant, but sometimes it takes time. — Virginia H. Pearce

Forgiveness is possible even when there is no restitution, no remorse on the part of the perpetrator. — Virginia H. Pearce

We will know our forgiveness is complete when we have a genuine desire for the welfare of the people who have wronged us. — Virginia H. Pearce

Truth matters. Everything we can do to find, feed, and strengthen it is worth the effort. — Virginia H. Pearce