Tigris Eden Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Tigris Eden.
Famous Quotes By Tigris Eden

Fuck," Dietrich breathed. "I'm a bad motherfucker, and I mean I'm pretty fucked up in the head sometimes, but I want some of what the twins got going between them. That shit right there, was beast." -Dietrich Johnson — Tigris Eden

And, because you are so enamored with our captain," he held out his hand and grabbed hers, breaking her out of the trance. "I'm Royce, resident bad ass, all around swell motherfucker, and every woman's dream come true. Very nice to meet you. — Tigris Eden

This is not your fucking captain speaking". Dietrich's voice squawked over the intercom. "Don't fucking bother me. If you can't locate exits, well you're shit out of luck. Head's in the rear of the plane and I didn't pack shit for you motherfucker's to eat so deal with it. This flight will take approximately one hour. Don't make me crash the fucking plane. Cause I will if I deem it necessary"
Dietrich- Enslaved In Shadows — Tigris Eden