Thabo Jijana Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Thabo Jijana.
Famous Quotes By Thabo Jijana

I hope for my poetry to be empirical.
It shall suggest making love:
you will want the usual
in an unusual way. — Thabo Jijana

We are all orbits of some sort,
circling around the world we call our own,
and literature...
Literature is a compass; — Thabo Jijana

they had merely acquired
a shared affection for funerals
the way some people
love public holidays: — Thabo Jijana

Of course he was there, a removed audience
of my redemption songs from beyond the grave,
the way Kafka and his father continued to shadow-box,
long after they quit staring at each other
at the dinner table. — Thabo Jijana

never mind
the boy who came out of that reading room
a new man,
safe in the hope of what was to come
in the summers of his life. — Thabo Jijana