Susan Carol McCarthy Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Susan Carol McCarthy.
Famous Quotes By Susan Carol McCarthy

It is founded on the worst instincts of mankind. At its best, it is intolerant and bigoted. At its worst, it is sadistic and brutal. Between these two poles it has its existence. — Susan Carol McCarthy

Nothing like an endangered pocketbook to help a businessman find his conscience. — Susan Carol McCarthy

None of that means my family's not spiritual. (Though what happened to Marvin has put me at odds with God these days.) To their credit, our parents have spent considerable time discussing the difference between Faith - the abiding belief in a Divine Creator that's as plain a part of a hundred-year-old oak tree, or a fiery red sunset, as the nose on your face - and Religion - which is the rigamarole that makes some folks figure they've got a leg up on everybody else. — Susan Carol McCarthy

We can't change the world overnight, Reesa. But we begin by changing the way we choose to live in it. — Susan Carol McCarthy

Oh, child, there's no explainin' the meanness in this world." Armetta shakes her head, wipes wetness off her cheek, then cradles my hands in her palms. "But there's goodness here, too. You can't never lose sight of that, hold on to it. It's the goodness that gets us through. — Susan Carol McCarthy

Because you believed in me, I figured I was honor-bound to believe in myself. — Susan Carol McCarthy