Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 8 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur.
Famous Quotes By Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur

Real estate is the best investment on earth, however, when the music stops playing, which happens occasionally, don't be the one left without a chair. — Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur

A title from the1966 movie
"The Russians Are Coming,
The Russians Are Coming,"
gives a new meaning to
a phrase: "wait a minute,
we've seen this movie before — Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur

The problem with all politicians is that they are human. — Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur

Ask Gandhi, and eye for an eye makes us both blind ... ask an engineer, and the numbers don't lie - the first to strike wins. — Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur

Remember, you will always fail in business if you don't try to open your own business. — Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur

The minute you stop caring about your business, is the same minute your business stops caring about you. — Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur

The rollercoaster of business ownership is for you - if after using a motion sickness bag, you don't want to
stop riding. — Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur

The sooner you realize, and contribute to the fact, that companies are created to make money - not to create jobs; the sooner you will increase the security of your job - and start earning more money. — Steven Ivy Attorney Entrepreneur