Steve Dublanica Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Steve Dublanica.
Famous Quotes By Steve Dublanica

Everyone, no matter what kind of job he or she has, fantasizes about freaking out at work. How many corporate drones, stuck in a boring staff meeting, have had the sudden urge to jump on top of the conference table and start screaming obscenities? Strip off their clothes? Kiss the woman or man next to them? We all have. How many employees joke about shooting the boss or blowing the place up? I'm not suggesting we do any of these things, mind you, but let's not kid ourselves; we all have a little murder in our heart. — Steve Dublanica

The world's a big place. You can't do or be everything, nor should you. Life is bigger than any one man. But when you read about other people's lives, when you read their stories, you catch a glimpse of a world bigger than your own. You may never travel a hundred miles from where you were born, but if you read stories, you'll get to see the entire world. — Steve Dublanica

But seduction isn't making someone do what they don't want to do. Seduction is enticing someone into doing what they secretly want to do already — Steve Dublanica