Stephen Gilligan Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Stephen Gilligan.
Famous Quotes By Stephen Gilligan

One of the obvious implications is that a person will have to face the fact that she cannot meet other people's expectations. This signals the end of what might be called the "camel" phase of human development. I believe it was Nietschze who suggested that for the first part of life, we are camels, trudging through the desert, accepting on our backs everybody's "shoulds" and "don'ts." Camels only know how to spit; they don't think for themselves or talk back. As the camel dies, a lion is born in its place. Lions discover both their roar and the art of preening. The lion may be a little shaky at first, so support and encouragement are vital. But once the camel begins to die (e.g., signaled by depression), there is no turning back. Symptoms occupy the space between the death of the camel and the birth of the lion. A therapist can be a good midwife during this liminal phase. — Stephen Gilligan

When a person reports a feeling, it's a comment on our relationship. — Stephen Gilligan

When deciding what to do next, we can always ask: Does this thought, emotion, or behavior bring me closer to or take me further away from my center? — Stephen Gilligan

The aikido term ma ai, which means "space harmony" ("ai" is Chinese for "love," and it translates into Japanese as harmonious connection) refers to the optimal distance point, where you're close enough to connect well and far enough to enjoy your own space. — Stephen Gilligan