Stephen Cosgrove Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 21 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Stephen Cosgrove.
Famous Quotes By Stephen Cosgrove

As you lay on a summer's day
In a cool and shady place,
Don't look up into the skies;
Instead look down and squint your eyes.
Squint your eyes so very tight,
And if you wish with all your might,
You'll find the land of More-Than-Small.
In this land live buggs
that's all! — Stephen Cosgrove

Mistakes are always mistakes, Or so I've heard them say ... But if it teaches a lesson, The mistake will go away. — Stephen Cosgrove

If you see those pretty things
that nature likes to show
Remember all those seals that sing
And leave them there to grow. — Stephen Cosgrove

So, if you're feeling fat and overweight
And feeling oh so blue,
Remember that little rag tag mole
And what he had Catundra do. — Stephen Cosgrove

Dedicated to all the children and not-so children that live and play in the shadow of the Space Needle that stands in the heart of Seattle, Washington. It is where my heart will always be. Most special of all, this book is dedicated to my granddaughter Lauren. May she live in the shadow of the Space Needle forever and a day.
-Stephen/Dad — Stephen Cosgrove

Why are you crying?" shivered the otter. "Because I am cold!" shouted the gnome. "Then why are you shouting?" chattered the otter. "Because," yelled the gnome, "when I shout it gets part of the cold from the inside out. — Stephen Cosgrove

The skill, the art of literacy is a gift. To read is to watch in your mind as a single word explodes into a confetti of images. Truly, of all the gifts given to man, reading is most sacred, For from words come dreams and from dreams come great tomorrows. — Stephen Cosgrove

The rabbits though and thought. If we're normal and Leo is normal, then normal is whatever you are! — Stephen Cosgrove

As you walk through forests or the meadows of your mind, Stop and talk to those you fear Good friendships you may find — Stephen Cosgrove

As we look around us
At our mortal side and sigh
Remember a place called Wingsong
Then, Lift your Wings and Fly — Stephen Cosgrove

A friend cannot be owned That is plain to see Friendships must be shared, Just like our friend, Ruby — Stephen Cosgrove

Along in Life
As you will go
Remember the Times
When you must say NO! — Stephen Cosgrove

(A) friend doesn't belong to anyone. Friendship is not something you own. Friendship is something you share. To have a friend, you must be a friend. There is no other way. — Stephen Cosgrove

So when you're cold
From the inside out
And don't know what to do,
Remember love and friendship,
And warmth will come to you. — Stephen Cosgrove

You may see all that is around you
But you may feel nothing at all.
So try and close your eyes so tight
And listen to the night time fall. — Stephen Cosgrove

Short is short
and Tall is Tall
You are what you are
That is All! — Stephen Cosgrove

Never judge someone
By the way he looks
Or a book by the way it's covered;
For inside those tattered pages,
There's a lot to be discovered — Stephen Cosgrove

As you walk, hop, hobble, or wheel
Meeting people of different kinds,
Remember that being handicapped
Is only a state of mind — Stephen Cosgrove

She fell into a long sleep, and dreamed he dreams of the dream tree. — Stephen Cosgrove

When you're feeling lonely
and no one is around
Remember to look inside yourself
and a best friend will be found — Stephen Cosgrove

Tear down your border
of thicket and vine
creating a free world,
yours and mine. — Stephen Cosgrove