Simon Scarrow Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Simon Scarrow.
Famous Quotes By Simon Scarrow

A gladiator only gets to use a real sword when he fights in the arena, since no Roman worth his salt trusts a gladiator with a real sword in the ludus. You have that ungrateful wretch Spartacus to thank for that. — Simon Scarrow

Lust? Who's talking about lust? You want to screw her, right? So that's your objective. All you need now is deployment of the appropriate tactics to manoeuvre her into an advantageous position and then secure your conquest. Then it's just a question of mopping up. — Simon Scarrow

The legion was raised by Mark Antony. He filled the ranks with men from Cleopatra's army. When Antony was defeated by Octavian, the Twenty-Second was integrated into the rest of the army and has been stationed on the Nile since then. They're a mix of Greeks and Egyptians from the Nile cities. — Simon Scarrow

Thoughts of revenge must give way to the need for swift action, — Simon Scarrow