Sheryl Crow Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 100 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Sheryl Crow.
Famous Quotes By Sheryl Crow

That feeling of freedom, open highways of possibilities, has kind of been lost to materialism and marketing. — Sheryl Crow

There's so much of it you can't control. There is no handbook for how to conduct yourself in the public world. — Sheryl Crow

There's a lot of integrity with musicians; you really still aspire to grow, and be great, to be the best version of yourself you can be. — Sheryl Crow

Love is the most important thing in life. If you don't have (a relationship), you're always looking for one. — Sheryl Crow

Every night on the stop global warming college tour, Laurie and I would tell these great young people that they have the power to do anything they want. That we all have the power to create a movement for change. That the best part of ourselves is the part that rises up instinctively from compassion. — Sheryl Crow

People go through challenging moments of losing people and of having their life threatened from illness and real grief. But they get through it. And that's the testament to the human spirit and it's -we are fragile, but we also are divine. — Sheryl Crow

It wasn't until I moved to Nashville that I realized what an amazing community it is. It's the thing I've been missing my whole career, the feeling of being able to sit around with a guitar and have people know each other's songs and know songs from people who've influenced all of us. When I moved here pretty early on Vince Gill started calling me to do guitar pulls, and I thought, gosh, this is just like heaven on earth down here. — Sheryl Crow

The writing process for me is pretty much always the same - it's a solitary experience. — Sheryl Crow

You're my favorite mistake — Sheryl Crow

A lot of people seem to get preoccupied with what I'm wearing as opposed to the music. — Sheryl Crow

The only person who can save you is you: That going to be the thing that informed the rest of my life. — Sheryl Crow

Then when I cut my hair short, my career tanked for about four years! — Sheryl Crow

Watch our children while they kill each other with guns they bought at Wal-Mart. — Sheryl Crow

I'm still the king of me. — Sheryl Crow

I hate that word, mature, but I guess I am growing up. — Sheryl Crow

God, I feel like hell tonight. Tears of rage I cannot fight. I'd be the last to help you understand ... Nothing's true and nothing's right so let me be alone tonight 'cause you can't change the way I am ... I have a face I cannot show, I make the rules up as I go. It's try and love me if you can. Are you strong enough to be my man? When I've shown you that I just don't care, when I'm throwing punches in the air, when I'm broken down and I can't stand will you be man enough to be my man? — Sheryl Crow

I am sweet, I am ugly, I am mean if you love me. I'll try hard just to please you, when I say I don't need you. — Sheryl Crow

My first record had just broken, and these guys wanted my autograph. I thought, Oh, god, they recognize me. Turns out they thought I was Heidi Fleiss. — Sheryl Crow

Making miracles is hard work, most people give up before they happen. — Sheryl Crow

Being diagnosed with cancer really opened my eyes to the fact anyone can have it and that even though we think we have control over everything in our lives, we don't. — Sheryl Crow

I've only been making records since 1991. When you look at the long-standing careers of people like Joni, it's not very long! — Sheryl Crow

When "news stories" are broken, do we not expect a certain amount of fact-checking or source-checking? One has to ask if this falls under the guise of sloppy reporting or deception as a source of spin. We seem to accept a certain amount of deception and we seem to be helpless to doing anything about it, as illustrated so clearly by where we are right now in this moment in our history. — Sheryl Crow

Someone like me shouldnt be diagnosed with breast cancer, thats what was going through my mind. I wasnt thinking about a diagnosis. I was just doing what I was supposed to do, which was staying on top of my mammograms. It was a shock. — Sheryl Crow

I'm singing the way that I love to sing, which is like old soul, like old Al Green. I grew up about an hour from Memphis. So all that music that I grew up with - the Stax music and early rhythm 'n' blues - I'm doing that. I'm actually getting out from behind my guitar and I'm singing. — Sheryl Crow

The younger generation of performers really enjoy their success. Its like they know their moment is here right now and probably won't be here in a few years. — Sheryl Crow

I have been around for a long, long time. I didn't make it 'til I was older. I went through the period when women were not getting signed, particularly if you were writing songs that were lyrically propelled. — Sheryl Crow

I don't really cringe over any of my albums. — Sheryl Crow

I would never put a video in front of my kid. While I don't use videos as a babysitter, they have come in handy on the airplane. — Sheryl Crow

I've been really, really blessed. I got to perform on stage with Bob Dylan. I've gotten to sing with Mick Jagger. — Sheryl Crow

The cheapest energy is the energy you don't use in the first place. — Sheryl Crow

My sister, she says she knows Elvis. — Sheryl Crow

I dress up with a conscience when I think you'll be watching. I say all the right things, I don't know what I mean. — Sheryl Crow

I want to collaborate with Amy [Winehouse] because she's really hot and cool right now. I know one song Rehab was very popular particularly because a lot of young people are in rehab as well. In fact I'm thinking about going. It looks like loads of fun and I know my career will benefit from it. — Sheryl Crow

Your art kind of changes as you get older, by nature of the fact that you're hopefully gaining wisdom and you're starting to watch things with a better overview. — Sheryl Crow

More than 10 million Americans are living with cancer, and they demonstrate the ever-increasing possibility of living beyond cancer. — Sheryl Crow

I don't set goals for myself too much, but I'm always trying to write that one great song. — Sheryl Crow

I find a lot of joy just going out and playing for people. — Sheryl Crow

Justice is a fading light. — Sheryl Crow

I have a golden Lab who goes everywhere with me. He's a great leveler. — Sheryl Crow

I feel we are so blessed to live in a country where we enjoy so many rights that other countries cannot even begin to imagine. However, it terrifies me that we seem to have lost touch with our connection to the earth. I am concerned that we have risen to such heights of arrogance in our refusal to acknowledge that our earth is rapidly changing in ways that might affect us catastrophically but instead, we hold steadfast to our belief that nothing can happen to us as a people. — Sheryl Crow

I am joining the more than 200,000 women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. We are a testament to the importance of early detection and new treatments ... I am inspired by the brave women who have faced this battle before me and grateful for the support of family and friends. — Sheryl Crow

We are a testament to the importance of early detection and new treatments. I encourage all women everywhere to advocate for themselves and for their future. See your doctor and be proactive about your health. — Sheryl Crow

I have a face I cannot show, I make the rules up as I go. — Sheryl Crow

Life's so full that you just take it one day at a time. — Sheryl Crow

Beck said he didn't believe in the theory of a song coming through you as if you were an open vessel. I agree with him to a certain extent. — Sheryl Crow

We can't be certain who the villains are cuz everyone's so pretty, but the after party's sure to be the wing-ding as it moves into your city. — Sheryl Crow

People don't realize that I'm really funny and I'm an excellent bridge player. — Sheryl Crow

I thrive on being on the road, waking up in a different place every day and having my life revolve around music. When you walk out in front of 300,000 people and pull it off, it validates you. — Sheryl Crow

Where I fit in is confusing to me. — Sheryl Crow

I wish I was having as much fun as the press reports said I had. — Sheryl Crow

If compassion was the motivating factor behind all of our decisions, would our world not be a completely different place? — Sheryl Crow

Deeper than temperature and the extinction of the polar bear is the idea that we all share this beautiful, ailing planet, Democrats and Republicans alike. — Sheryl Crow

Bring you comics in bed, scrape the mold off the bread, and serve you French toast again. Okay, I still get stoned. — Sheryl Crow

We used to sing along to Judy Garland and Ella Fitzgerald records together. She had the most amazing voice ... She's always encouraged me, and she's still that person who, when things look dire, lifts me up and reminds me of who I am and that we all have a capacity for greatness. — Sheryl Crow

God, I felt like hell tonight, tears of rage I cannot fight. — Sheryl Crow

I'm not dead. I mean, I may be getting older, but I'm not dead! — Sheryl Crow

Music commands how we feel, dictates what we experience in our feelings. — Sheryl Crow

I don't need to reiterate the fact that that everyone has a relationship with cancer. Whether it's an individual-personal relationship - whether it's with family or friends - we've all been touched by cancer. — Sheryl Crow

Generally, when you let go of your vision of how something is supposed to be, the universe hands you exactly what you need. — Sheryl Crow

I am learning. I'm a slow learner. I repeat myself three times, relationship wise. — Sheryl Crow

When I reach the point that I write Yesterday, then I can retire. — Sheryl Crow

If you'd like to reach me, leave me alone. — Sheryl Crow

No matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers will still spring up in the middle of nowhere. — Sheryl Crow

I propose a limitation be put on how many sqares [sic] of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required.' — Sheryl Crow

So what if right now everything is wrong? — Sheryl Crow

I used to jog every day and call it my 'gratitude run.' I'd make my gratitude list as I ran. I never ran out of things to be grateful for. My knees aren't what they used to be, but I still do my gratitude list every day. — Sheryl Crow

When you tune your guitar in a different way, it lends itself to a new way of looking at your songwriting. — Sheryl Crow

I've got no one to blame for every time I feel lame. — Sheryl Crow

Just wondering why I feel so all alone, why I'm a stranger in my own? — Sheryl Crow

One of the things that has changed my life - and this comes from someone who was highly self-critical and a type-A personality - is meditating. The simple act of making my brain shut off for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night may not seem like much, but what ends up happening, besides creating space in your day, is your awake posture begins to replicate your meditative posture, — Sheryl Crow

Took your car, drove to Texas. Sorry honey, but I suspected, you and I can't cry anymore. — Sheryl Crow

I draw from my family and my friends and I feel like that small-town person. The achievements, the materialistic possessions have really become to mean less. They mean nothing. — Sheryl Crow

We talk about defining moments, but I think nothing can define you. They're all refining moments. You're constantly refining yourself and refining your life. — Sheryl Crow

I try to conduct my life with a little levity. — Sheryl Crow

Technology has helped me with the writing and recording processes, and it's a great way to reach out to fans of my music, ... Dell's combining all these different technologies and making it really easy to enjoy them. — Sheryl Crow

I didn't get into making music for the fame aspect. There are people who do desire that. — Sheryl Crow

Beatle's wrote the Nike song and called it macaroni. — Sheryl Crow

Everybody gets high, everybody gets low, these are the days when anything goes. — Sheryl Crow

I think your life informs your art. — Sheryl Crow

I'm standing in the desert, waiting for my ship to come in. — Sheryl Crow

However I am is however I am. When you see me onstage or in the press, there's not a lot of thought and calculation that goes into it. — Sheryl Crow

All my friends say I have to get right back on the bike. And I keep saying, "Maybe not a bike!" — Sheryl Crow

Then not everything is gonna be the way you think it oughta be. It seems like everytime I try to make it right, it all comes down on me. Please say honestly you won't give up on me, and I shall believe. — Sheryl Crow

The bands that wrote the big, heroic rock songs - I really wanted to make a record like that. — Sheryl Crow

I have a healthy cynicism, but not anger. — Sheryl Crow

I'm one of a dying breed who goes out and tours all the time. Labels don't spend the money to send people out to play before they become famous, but we did do that so the fans we have are word of mouth fans who have been travelling around with us for years, and they buy the albums, but they are also the ones who go out and get the bootlegs. I don't discourage bootlegging, I like playing live, I don't think it hurts my album sales at all if there are bootlegs out there. Who cares? — Sheryl Crow

I look at my hands and go, 'Hmm ... what happened? Whose hands are those? Oh my God, they're mine' — Sheryl Crow

One of the things that I wound up loving about being involved with a bike racer was learning how to bike and how that really creates solitary time for you to reflect on things and nobody can get a hold of you. — Sheryl Crow

Some people are really good at maneuvering their careers and images and I'm not one of those people. — Sheryl Crow

As you get older, you have your tribe of women that you grow and age gracefully with and you share wisdom with. That's your clan. That's your family. That's your strength. — Sheryl Crow

I can always tell when people have had plastic surgery. — Sheryl Crow

Doing yoga on the road was really a life-saver, and a life-changer ... .It kept me focused and gave me more control over the way I divided my energy. I realize that if [a place of goodness] is the basis for all decision-making, then the road is clear. — Sheryl Crow

A song that sounds simple is just not that easy to write. One of the objectives of this record was to try and write melodies that continue to resonate. — Sheryl Crow

Once over there [Balkans], I felt extremely patriotic. Here are these people, from 18-year-olds to military veterans, enduring real duress for the cause of peace. I don't ever want to play for a regular audience again, only military folks who are starving for music. — Sheryl Crow