Shayla Black Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 46 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Shayla Black.
Famous Quotes By Shayla Black

Eat anything before you started drinking?" Xander asked.
"Fuck off."
"I can tell that vodka is helping you make great decisions."
Javier glared. "Fuck off."
"Has your vocabulary been reduced to two words now?"
"No. Please fuck off. — Shayla Black

Until Eric had explained that it was really just an excuse for a guy to rub his penis all over a girl and not get slapped in the face. After that, — Shayla Black

Here's the deal. You eat some lunch, at least something light that will help you keep your energy up, then we'll talk."
"About what? We've already conversed today-twice-in the language you're fluent in: Fuckese."
Deke fought a smile. "You probably meant that as a slur, but somehow I'm complemented."
"You would be," she muttered. — Shayla Black

He was clearly used to sucking in the universe, examining it, then bending it to his will. — Shayla Black

Sometimes, life just sucked.
"Bite me," she muttered.
"Okay, where?" Deke asked, then went on. "Never mind. I've got some enticing ideas of my own. — Shayla Black

Are you a Dominant, Sir?"
"Yes." A smile played at his lips. Hearing her call him that would never get old.
"And I'm a submissive?"
"Absolutely," Law whispered in her ear. "You're the sweetest little sub I've ever seen."
A grin curled her mouth up. "So I call you my Doms?"
"Yes, pet."
Her smile widened until she looked as if she was trying to keep a straight face. "You're Dominic, the Dom."
He sighed. "Yes, pet. I think I was aptly named."
"You're Dom Dominic."
"While true, that's not exactly how you should phrase it." He frowned.
"You're Dom Dom." The smile zipped across her face. "I get to call you Dom Dom. — Shayla Black

I want to be tangled up in all her strings. — Shayla Black

The air of innocence remained, still begging corruption. — Shayla Black

It's just ... " She scrubbed a hand across her face. "I keep looking for someone to share life with, someone patient. Not afraid of a mop or use the stove. Even-tempered, understanding, not allergic to emotion." She closed her eyes momentarily. "Someone sweet."
Hunter stifled a grimace. She was describing a female with a penis. — Shayla Black

Do not be afraid to try. Do not be afraid to fail. Be afraid to simply exist never knowing either the high of success or the low of failure. — Shayla Black

Curiosity could be almost as powerful as desire. — Shayla Black

though waiting for someone to make a move. "I — Shayla Black

You might have a hundred ways to fool yourself, but I don't bother with that shit. I know better. You're it for me, and what we just did in that bed together proved it. I'm smitten. Gone. And I can't stand that you don't trust me. — Shayla Black

I do care, goddamn it! Have you been listening? I. Love. You. I never really knew what that meant until you. — Shayla Black

Lush, evocative, inventive ... Livia Dare delights. Fans of Dara Joy will love [ In the Flesh ]! — Shayla Black

Kinley stepped up behind Law, peering out from behind his back. "Are you sorry you kidnapped me?"
He had to be honest with her. "No. If I hadn't, you wouldn't be here. I'd be a lot sorrier about that. I think you would, too."
She pursed her lips. "Are you sorry that your dog raped mine?"
He wasn't about to take that. "No, your dog led mine into sin. He has a thing for bows. She used it against him."
He caught the faintest hint of a smile from her. "I'll admit, she's a flirty thing. So if you're not apologizing for kidnapping me or very likely turning my dog into a single mother, what are you sorry about?"
So many things. "For being rude to you. — Shayla Black

He will not take her."
Sabelle turned toward the booming declaration. Ice. His protective gaze was as tangible as a caress. She swallowed.
"Of course not," Duke assured. "Sabelle is too important to our cause."
Ice stormed around the table until he hovered beside her, mere inches away, his body heat pouring over her. "If there is a breath left in my body, he will not take her. — Shayla Black

I got shot saving you. That should speak very clearly about my feelings. After all, I'll bear the scars of loving you for the rest of my life. — Shayla Black

Picture the rest of your life without Del and give me a one word description of it."
"I can't decide between bleak or pathetic," Tyler admitted finally. "There you go. — Shayla Black

Just because you don't believe me doesn't make me a liar. — Shayla Black

Fuck!" he snarled.
He tilted her up again, her legs now resting on his shoulders, and positioned himself and began to push.
Into her back entrance.
Kimber drew in a great, shocked gasp, her hazel eyes wide. "Deke?"
"What the hell are you doing?" Luc barked.
Tensing a little more with every inch he pushed inside Kimber's tight passage, the tendons on his neck standing out, the muscles in his arms shaking, assailed by the amazing sensations of being slowly enveloped by her tight, ready flesh, Deke could barely form a word. "Fucking her ass. Saving her life. — Shayla Black

She frowned. "I did nothing to arouse you."
He clenched his jaw, his stare growing more aggressive. "You breathed. — Shayla Black

Time's up, Ladies. Let's go back inside. We can sit by the fire, hold hands, and sing Kumbaya," Seth called from the front porch.
"Fucker," Hammer muttered.
"I think we should beat his ass next," Liam muttered conspiratorially.
Both men cracked a knowing grin. As if they'd read one another's minds, they raised their right arms and flipped Seth off, laughing. It felt good. — Shayla Black

I've been kissed Slade. I'm a virgin, not a nun. — Shayla Black

You smell like happiness, — Shayla Black

God, listen to him. Fucking pathetic, going on about the girl like he was Keats or something. — Shayla Black

Watch that mouth, cher. I own a ball gag. I know how to use it, he growled. — Shayla Black

He just wasn't good at being a cross between a teddy bear and just a friend. — Shayla Black

You know how people are, always wanting the one thing they can't have. — Shayla Black

She already has my heart. I would like for her to take my penis, too. Is that so much to ask? — Shayla Black

Tori hurried after him, knowing nothing would be the same again. — Shayla Black

Dominance and submission can be a game or a way of life, depending on how seriously you play ... the promise of pleasure can be every bit as arousing as the pleasure itself, maybe more. (Jack) — Shayla Black

If you waited twenty-six years to have sex, you're probably not going to copulate with a stranger. — Shayla Black

Congratulations. So far, you've both scored a hundred percent on the quiz."
"Quiz?" Liam blinked, then looked at Hammer, his eyes wide. "Shit, we didn't study, mate."
"If Seth is giving the quiz, we're good. He can't be smarter than us," Hammer said in a stage whisper. — Shayla Black

His pretty face could not make up for the fact that he had the IQ of a dead houseplant and the emotional range of a frozen pea. — Shayla Black

Stay where I can taste you. Take the pleasure I give you. — Shayla Black

And she understood now that love wasn't just wanting, but a steady devotion, no matter what. — Shayla Black

But bears it out, even to the edge of doom... — Shayla Black

Take the pleasure I'm giving you as a vow, pet. If you leave me, I will hunt you to the ends of the earth. There won't be a place you hide where I can't find you. I will never stop looking. I will never give up. I will never let you go when I can save you. - Mitchell Thorpe — Shayla Black

If you were expecting Prince Charming, I'm sorry. He's with his boyfriend. — Shayla Black

I married the person who understood
my heart &
nourished my dreams.
The end. — Shayla Black

What I want, isn't what I need... — Shayla Black

That was bad news. Terrible. The worst. — Shayla Black

You haven't touched me, and I'm already unfocused.: — Shayla Black

One-way ticket to Las Vegas: three hundred fifty dollars. A week's stay at the
Bellagio while he convinced Nicki to give him this crazy job: eighteen hundred dollars.
Cost of pizza to bribe his way into her apartment: fifteen bucks. Seeing her reaction to his
claim that she didn't particularly affect him sexually: absolutely priceless. — Shayla Black