Shawn Colvin Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 18 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Shawn Colvin.
Famous Quotes By Shawn Colvin

I dont like doing whats expected. Ive always done best when Ive listened to my instincts rather than following convention or doing what other people think I should do. — Shawn Colvin

John Floridis was very inspiring. He plays so well. — Shawn Colvin

There were bars that began to have acoustic musicians play, it was 1970: Joni Mitchell, Jackson Browne, America, The Eagles, all that kind of stuff was popular. It was very easy for me to just kind of move in and be noticed. — Shawn Colvin

This world's a blessing and a beast everyday. — Shawn Colvin

You say in life, mistakes are many. How come you never admit to any? — Shawn Colvin

Give me some credit for the hell I've paid. — Shawn Colvin

Physically, I'm healthy as a horse, always held up. But in the mental illness department, I got my share. It's just what I got. — Shawn Colvin

And I never saw blue like that before across the sky around the world — Shawn Colvin

I consider myself as a singer first, but something that really helped me come into my own is that there's not a separation between me singing and me playing the guitar. The two fed off the other. — Shawn Colvin

I think the thing that has made it possible for me to write personal songs and sing them year after year is the sensibility for good writing. Just opening your veins all over the paper is not necessarily going to be interesting. I wanted to speak to people. — Shawn Colvin

The past is stronger than my will to forgive forgive you, or myself, I don't know. — Shawn Colvin

I have yet to have a successful outcome of sitting in a room with someone and trying to write a song. The way that I generally co-write is that someone else writes the music or part of the music. — Shawn Colvin

One of the dumber things my manager said was, Stick to the melody. But I can't. — Shawn Colvin

Without music, I could not get through. — Shawn Colvin

The less you know, the more I comprehend. You don't have to drag me down, I descend. — Shawn Colvin

Oh you kissed the soul of a rebel
In a Yankee girl
You got to me
I heard you callin' 'round the world
From your back roads
Tennessee — Shawn Colvin

What's great about art is that if you can reach people, if they hear or see what you do and it moves them, there's a commonality. — Shawn Colvin

Cynicism is tough. A cynic's point of view is really pitiful. I derive pleasure out of a lot of things in life. As long as I'm fairly healthy, it's hard to stay dismal for very long. — Shawn Colvin