Seo Do-young Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Seo Do-young.
Famous Quotes By Seo Do-young

Getting hit if you throw it ... Getting hit if you don't throw it ... The problem is whether you're getting hit by a strong guy or by a little less strong guy. But the truth is, the real problem is that your life will be just like this even in the future. Why? Because when we become adults, we'll be your boss. — Seo Do-young

Not only do you have to trust the definite, you must also trust the uncertainty. — Seo Do-young

A sack that can contain a person's greed ... doesn't exist in this world. If your hearts not content, no matter how much you put in the sack, it's never enough. — Seo Do-young

The moment I saw her again, I knew that it's gonna be more fun to live my life now. — Seo Do-young

Don't you know what marriage means in this world? They are mergers and acquisitions disguised as marriages. In other words, the takeover syndromes. — Seo Do-young