Sean Kennedy Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 28 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Sean Kennedy.
Famous Quotes By Sean Kennedy

When single you are," Roger said, imitating Yoda dispensing advice to Luke, "get laid you can. When married you get, make love you do. — Sean Kennedy

And I know when you're a teenager everybody feels different and alien to the other people around them but there seems to be an added dimension when you're queer. It's because for that period of time you're more isolated than anybody else and you truly think you are the only one of your kind. So you create fantastic barriers and defence strategies for yourself to survive. And when you get older and realise that you can take them down it's an internal and eternal struggle to do so. Fear is the best anti-motivator in the world. — Sean Kennedy

This is for those times when I want to take his hand, or he wants to take mine, but we don't feel safe enough. This is for those times other couples get to take for granted, but we have to snatch in limited amounts when they become available to us. This is for those times when I can't do such a simple thing as hold the hand of Dec as the tiniest gesture of affection and to show him how much I love him. — Sean Kennedy

What I do think, however, is that when you're writing about a minority, you must show respect for them and be careful not to misappropriate. Allies must have a care not to become the spokespeople — Sean Kennedy

Guys hung out all the time. It didn't mean they were gay. But when you are gay, you automatically think everybody knows and wonder if you're safe. — Sean Kennedy

So what are you going to wear?"
I looked at her, wondering if she thought I had suddenly grown a vagina in the past five minutes. "Clothes. — Sean Kennedy

I would never have broken up with you," I said earnestly. "I'm more miserable without you than I am with you." As soon as that sentence came out I groaned, because I knew how bad it sounded.
But Declan laughed. "Vintage Simon Murray comment. — Sean Kennedy

Don't question anything too much. Just take things as they happen. — Sean Kennedy

So, I just want to say, I love you, Declan Tyler, and when we can, I can't wait to destroy the sanctity of marriage with you. — Sean Kennedy

Fran laughed. I still feel like we're kids, but just pretending to be adults. I thought there would be this turning point where you would just wake up one day, and bam! You're mature! — Sean Kennedy

It's just going to add to him thinking that I am a crazy, wanky, greenie, hybriddriving hippie," I complained.
"Has he seen your bomb of a car?" Fran asked in disbelief. "Greenpeace arranges a protest every time it leaves your driveway. — Sean Kennedy

Yarmulke upon his head self-consciously. I'm so — Sean Kennedy

Women and gay guys always get stuck with that image that they couldn't possibly be interested in the game itself - it had to be the guys. I mean sure it's a fringe benefit but when the game is on the last thing you're thinking about is the bodies of the men. You're concentrating on that red leather oval ball and if it will make it between the triad of poles that will either signify glory or failure. — Sean Kennedy

Everybody better stay out of my way because I'm steamrollering my way through this town, powered on snark. — Sean Kennedy

He's a hero!" I scoffed. "Apparently there's Batman, Wonder Woman, and Greg Heyward. He's replacing Superman in the Holy Trinity. — Sean Kennedy

We sat there in silence for a while, just taking in the moment of reflection between us. It's funny how a woman feels different to a man. They feel nice and soft, but because there isn't that spark of attraction there it's more of a sisterly or maternal warmth that you feel from them. It's wonderful. And it brings out this strange protective streak that seems borne from intuition if you have man parts, regardless of whether your man parts like other men's parts. And I wanted to protect Fran. — Sean Kennedy

Don't I always tell you to never listen to me? — Sean Kennedy

And suddenly I was lying on the floor looking up at the ceiling, my face numb. At least, numb until the adrenaline vanished and pain flooded into every nerve of my skull. I blinked away stars and Tweety Birds, to see Dec and Abe standing above me and looking down, both of their faces frozen in different ways:
Worry / Worry
Shock / Shock
Anger / Mortification
Rage / Guilt
hating seeing loved one hurt / hating having hurt a friend
about to go Hulk-like / wanting to run, but standing his ground — Sean Kennedy

True love is when your partner will pull into a drive-through at two in the morning and not judge you as you eat french fries with a side of both strawberry thickshake and coffee. — Sean Kennedy

Do you want to know what one definition of bizarre might be? Driving to your closeted boyfriend's pretend-girlfriend's house to watch them prepare for a faux date. — Sean Kennedy

Home is meant to be a place, but for me Dec was my home. He was where I felt secure and loved, and time did nothing to diminish that. No matter what. — Sean Kennedy

After all, I need to be a godfather slash uncle. I think the term is 'guncle'." "Guncle?" "Abbreviated, 'gay uncle'. — Sean Kennedy

The closet is a powerful thing. It makes you accept things you never thought you would in order to preserve the facade that you present to the outside world. — Sean Kennedy

Neither my sexuality or my efforts or lack of effort on the football field make up the whole sum of me. — Sean Kennedy

A punishment to some, to some a gift, and to many a favor. — Sean Kennedy

I guess "rut" isn't the right word. A rut is something you subconsciously want to get out of. The thing is, when I admitted it to myself, I was happy. Happy happy happy. And that's a good thing. — Sean Kennedy

The doorbell rang, and I assumed it was Fran and Roger having come back because
they had forgotten something. I took my time, lacing my boots, and the buzzer became more impatient.
"I'm coming, shithead!" I yelled. Yes, I should have known better. For of course, it was not Roger or Fran. I threw open the door to find Declan Tyler standing there, looking half-insulted and half-amused.
"Got a pet name for me already?" he asked. — Sean Kennedy

It seems all humans ever do is muddle through and hope to have a rest period before the next obstacle comes along. It's the love that keeps us going, whether it's a partner, or your family, or your friends who are also your family. If we didn't have that love, anything else keeping you running will eventually burn out. — Sean Kennedy