Ruth Ware Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 10 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Ruth Ware.
Famous Quotes By Ruth Ware

There was something strangely naked about it, like we were on a stage set, playing our parts to an audience of eyes out there in the wood. — Ruth Ware

Was this what it was going to be like? Was I turning into someone who had panic attacks about walking home from the tube or staying the night alone in the house without their boyfriend?
No, fuck that. I would not be that person. — Ruth Ware

The night was drawing in, and the house felt more and more like a glass cage, blasting its light blindly out into the dusk, like a lantern in the dark. I imagined a thousand moths circling and shivering, drawn inexorably to its glow, only to perish against the cold inhospitable glass. — Ruth Ware

So having a routine is important. It gives you something to hang on to, something to differentiate the weekdays from the weekends. My day starts like this. At — Ruth Ware

It was growing dark, and somehow the shadows made it feel as if all the trees had taken a collective step towards the house, edging in to shut out the sky. — Ruth Ware

My friend Erin says we all have demons inside us, voices that whisper we're no good, that if we don't make this promotion or ace that exam we'll reveal to the world exactly what kind of worthless sacks of skin and sinew we really are Maybe that's true. Maybe mine just have louder voices. — Ruth Ware

I always start my morning the same way. Maybe it's something about living alone - you're able to get set in your ways, there's no outside disruptions, no flatmates to hoover up the last of the milk, no cat coughing up a hairball on the rug. You know that what you left in the cupboard the night before will be in the cupboard when you wake up. You're in control. Or — Ruth Ware

But it must be nice working with other people." I ventured. "Sharing the responsibility, I mean. A play's a big thing, right?" "Yes, I suppose so. You have to share the glory, but at least when the shit hits the fan, it's a collective splattering, I guess." I — Ruth Ware

There are days when I don't hear a single human voice, apart from the radio, and you know what? I quite like that. — Ruth Ware

People don't change," Nina said bitterly. "They just get more punctilious about hiding their true selves. — Ruth Ware