Ronald Dalton Jr Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 2 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Ronald Dalton Jr.
Famous Quotes By Ronald Dalton Jr

We also skipped over who the "Nephilim" were, who Melchizedek was in the bible and what the "Father's" name is in the Old Testament/New Testament. Bible Class teachers would also have nothing to say about Genesis 1:26 when it says "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:" The word "us" and "our" meant more than one person. — Ronald Dalton Jr

Christians will support the people of Israel simply because they live in the land of Israel. But we all know Churches worldwide would not want to support Israel if Israel was full of African-Americans, Latinos and Native Americans. Christians frequently say "They (other countries) shouldn't mess with the JEWS, they are God's Chosen People". But nobody uses what's in the actual bible to figure out who the Real Children of Israel are today (according to scriptures). So if we still don't know the answer to this question then who are we? Imbeciles? Bastards? Canaanites? Gentiles? THE BRAINWASHING OF THE BLACK CHURCH STARTED IN SLAVERY AND IS PUSHED ONTO THE YOUNG — Ronald Dalton Jr