Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Robyn R. Jackson.
Famous Quotes By Robyn R. Jackson
...our expectations are the result of our beliefs about how likely something will happen combined with how much we value what we hope will happen. — Robyn R. Jackson
Famous Quotes
Fear holds us back from living the lives we want. Use your 20s to make bold decisions, follow different paths, learn from heartbreak, and figure out who you are. When you're 30, do you want to look back at the same boring job, the stale relationship that isn't working, and no stamps in your passport? If you want something different, if you want a life that is filled with experiences, if you want to learn and grow, if you want to make a difference ... conquer the fears, believe in yourself, and just do it. You may be questioning something right now. You may be battling thoughts in your mind about taking a leap. Ask yourself what you have to lose if you leap. Ask yourself what kind of stories you want to have. Ask yourself if you're worth it, if you deserve it." Author: Katie Robinson