Robinne Lee Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Robinne Lee.
Famous Quotes By Robinne Lee

I awoke some hours later to Hayes's body sliding up against mine, his arm wrapping around my waist, drawing me into his warmth. Like being in a womb. His breath soft at the back of my neck.
"You came back to me," his lips buzzed my ear.
"Of course I did. Liam."
He laughed.
"Wait. Whose room is this?"
"Mr. Marchand's."
"Crap. I might be in the wrong room."
He smiled, rolling me over to face him. "Hiiii."
"You want to come to an August Moon concert with me tonight?"
"It depends..." I said.
"It depends?"
"Do I have good seats?"
His finger was tracing my cheekbone. "You can sit on my face."
"Okay. In that case I'll come. — Robinne Lee

The thought crossed my mind that this could be dangerous. Not the ill-advised sex with the just-out-of-his-teens pop star, but the cuddling. The lying there, drinking in his scent, watching his chest rise and fall, allowing myself to bask in my own happiness. I could fall in love this way. — Robinne Lee

This is insane. You realize that, right?"
"Only if someone gets hurt."
"Someone always gets hurt, Hayes."
He said nothing as he slid his fingers in between mine, squeezing my hand. The intimacy of the gesture threw me. I had not held a man's hand since Daniel's, and Hayes's felt foreign. Large, smooth, capable; the coolness of an unexpected ring.
I shifted in my skirt, legs sticking to the leather cushion. I needed to get out of there, and yet I did not want it to end. — Robinne Lee