Robert V.S. Redick Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Robert V.S. Redick.
Famous Quotes By Robert V.S. Redick

We are not blood and gristle and hair and spit. We are ideas, if we are anything at all. That part of us that was never truly living is the only part of us that cannot die. — Robert V.S. Redick

Hercol was simply unwilling to kill. Tholjassans revere life, he had told Ott years ago, possibly the last time they had spoken. So do we, Ott had answered. But sometimes a knife in the dark is the only way to prove it. — Robert V.S. Redick

No man can know his deliverer, nor yet the thief of his soul. Their faces are covered; they swirl in the mob at the masquerade ball. Wine flows, and dance follows dance, and we are never certain of their names until that Midnight when all masks are removed — Robert V.S. Redick

We are all young beneath the watchful stars. — Robert V.S. Redick

Be silent, and sit down, for you are drunk, and this is the edge of the roof. - RUMI — Robert V.S. Redick

The mighty are beggars, child. They rattle silver cups by the roadside, pleading for love. — Robert V.S. Redick