Rachael Lucas Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Rachael Lucas.
Famous Quotes By Rachael Lucas

And I think for a moment, because people don't actually ask that very often. They tell me what they think I feel because they've read it in books, or they say incredible things like "autistic people have no sense of humour or imagination or empathy" when I'm standing right there beside them (and one day I'm going to point out that that is more than a little bit rude, not to mention Not Even True) or they -- even worse -- talk to me like I'm about five, and can't understand.
"It's like living with all your senses turned up to full volume all the time," I say. "And it's like living life in a different language, so you can't ever quite relax because even when you think you're fluent it's still using a different part of your brain so by the end of the day you're exhausted. — Rachael Lucas

I don't want to be married because it's convenient, or because it's the right thing to do for bloody Duntarvie Estate."
"I couldn't give a shit about Duntarvie Estate. I want to marry you because I love you." This came out as almost a shout. Roderick looked at her, furious.
"Fine." Kate snapped back at him, irritated.
"Fine." He turned away from her, picking up the axe again.
"Right. That's that sorted."
"Right. — Rachael Lucas

Friendship is a weird sort of thing when you think about it. — Rachael Lucas

The day you stop learning, my love, is the day you stop living. — Rachael Lucas

I'm not going to try and persuade her to reconcile with some sleazy git who's been having affairs left, right and centre. — Rachael Lucas

Come back to bed. I need some good old-fashioned warming up... — Rachael Lucas

We're not trying for perfect - we're aiming for posh shabby chic. — Rachael Lucas