Priscilla Shirer Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 74 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Priscilla Shirer.
Famous Quotes By Priscilla Shirer

As we practice implementing this incredible power tool He's placed in our hands, He divinely positions us - even a little life like ours - in His grand purpose for the ages. Through the connective tissue of prayer, He cracks open the door that makes us at least a small part of how these massive plans of His are translated into the lives of people we know. Including ours. — Priscilla Shirer

I want my life to radiate what happens when God has a person's heart at His full control, when every event or circumstance is simply another avenue to know Him better and show forth His glory. — Priscilla Shirer

Every decision you need to make, every task you need to accomplish, every relationship you need to navigate, every element of daily life you need to traverse, God has already perfectly matched up with an equivalent-to-overflowing supply of His grace. If you don't agree with that, then you either lack a proper appreciation for what you have, or you are doing things that you're not supposed to be participating in right now. — Priscilla Shirer

But like my young friend said, this is not the way it seems in the beginning. Before things go bad, it's just a night that sounds like a lot of fun. A day that feels like wasting. A risk that looks like something we can likely handle, a limb that'll probably hold our weight. We don't think getting back home will be a problem when we're finished. After all, we're not going far. Not until we're well down the mountain, much too far to pull ourselves easily back up to the top, we realize we've gotten ourselves into a mess. Instead of three or four good ways to get back on our feet, we now have maybe one - or none - none that don't come without a long, hard process, without a good bit of shame — Priscilla Shirer

What might God be trying to grow in your character or cement in your relationship with Him by keeping you separated from some of the things you want but don't yet have? — Priscilla Shirer

We can't anticipate and provide for life's trials, but the Lord can and does. The Lord wants us to thirst not after a quick fix to our problems but after the life-altering refreshment of His provision. — Priscilla Shirer

In the midst of a universe that cannot exist for a second without constant motion, God transcended the order of nature. He stopped. He rested. And He prescribes the same for you and me. — Priscilla Shirer

Yet some of the most faithful, effective Christians I know are those who are living out their quiet calling to the few in their home, to their fledging church, or to the homeless under a bridge in their city. Nothing is meager or insignificant about that. — Priscilla Shirer

He warps your perspective on the current events in your life until reality appears much worse and more desperate than it truly is. — Priscilla Shirer

(The enemy) laughs at your attempts to fix your own issues with timely words and hard work - tactics that might affect matters for a moment but can't begin to touch his underhanded, cunning efforts down where the root issues lie. — Priscilla Shirer

We often don't realize that where God puts us is the very place we need to be to receive what He wants to give us. — Priscilla Shirer

1. I DO SOLEMNLY RESOLVE to embrace my current season of life and will maximize my time in it. I will resist the urge to hurry through or circumvent any portion of my journey but will live with a spirit of contentment. — Priscilla Shirer

Today's difficulties are often a result of yesterday's disobedience. — Priscilla Shirer

Everything you need God already is. — Priscilla Shirer

If I were your enemy, I'd use every opportunity to bring old wounds to mind, as well as the people, events, and circumstances that caused them. I'd try to ensure that your heart was hardened with anger and bitterness. Shackled through unforgiveness. — Priscilla Shirer

Stalactites and stalagmites. — Priscilla Shirer

Moses cried out to God, and God showed him a tree, Moses "threw it into the waters, and the waters became sweet" (v. 25). In one swift move of vulnerability and obedience, Moses found God ready to act, relieving both the peoples' thirst and their tired emotions. That which was bitter had been made sweet. Are you bitter because of the hand you've been dealt? Sometimes He'll allow us to come face-to-face with an experience that could potentially breed bitterness, just so we can see His ability to work miracles in the way we feel. — Priscilla Shirer

The presence of passion, faith, and belief in our hearts is a gift. It's on loan to our souls. — Priscilla Shirer

Always looking toward the next moment, the next month, the next event, rarely allowing myself the privilege of fully participating and embracing the happenings that were right before me for that day. — Priscilla Shirer

God is the God of 'right now.' He doesn't want you sitting around regretting yesterday. Nor does He want you wringing your hands and worrying about the future. He wants you focusing on what He is saying to you and putting in front of you ... right now. — Priscilla Shirer

And that is where you want to be. Because in His arms, you'll know the beauty of His peace - "the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension" and which guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7). — Priscilla Shirer

Prayer Releases All Your Eternal Resources — Priscilla Shirer

Sometimes the divine intervention of God means breaking allegiance with what you love. — Priscilla Shirer

Fervent prayer keeps your true identity in focus. — Priscilla Shirer

True success in any endeavor can only come when the Father has initiated the activity and invited our participation. — Priscilla Shirer

Yes, we're all on a journey here. We're not perfect. We all struggle. We can tell from the fatigue we feel and the stiffness in our spiritual joints that we haven't always taken good care of ourselves. But prayer wakes us up with mercies from God that are "new every morning" (Lam. 3:23). Prayer is how we start to stretch and feel limber again, feel loose, ready to take on the world. And when we start applying prayer to particular muscle groups - like our confidence in Christ and His victory over our past - our whole body and our whole being start to percolate with fresh energy, with the blood-pumping results of applied faith. — Priscilla Shirer

Someone has written, "The hardening of a tender heart almost always starts with a justifiable action."8 We think we know what we're doing. We consider our resistance toward God's plans and our lack of surrender to be minor compared to what others have done. We figure we do a lot of good things that ought to make up for our admitted weaknesses here and there, in one or two areas. We don't think God expects us to be so radical and on guard all the time. We've still got to have a life, right? — Priscilla Shirer

If I were your enemy, I'd constantly remind you of your past mistakes and poor choices. I'd want to keep you burdened by shame and guilt, in hopes that you'll feel incapacitated by your many failings and see no point in even trying again. I'd work to convince you that you've had your chance and blown it - that your God may be able to forgive some people for some things, but not you . . . not for this. — Priscilla Shirer

If all we're doing is flinging words and emotions in all directions without any real consideration for the specific ways the enemy is targeting us and the promises of God that apply to us, we're mostly just wasting our time. — Priscilla Shirer

Nothing - nothing! - is too far gone that your God cannot resurrect it. — Priscilla Shirer

We vigilantly asked God to make our marriage and family (and the families of all those involved in the film) bulletproof against these incessant attacks. — Priscilla Shirer

Lord, please do this ... or do something better! — Priscilla Shirer

Give your hands to Him for His work, your feet to walk His path, and your ears to hear Him speak — Priscilla Shirer

Through intentional, deliberate, strategic prayer, you grab hold of Jesus and of everything He's already done on your behalf. It's how you tap into the power of heaven and watch it reverberate in your experiences. It's — Priscilla Shirer

God has gone before us so we can walk in the future He has for us. — Priscilla Shirer

We think we know what we want. In reality we should want nothing else but to be completely in line with His desires for us and His purposes in our generation. So we must resolve to let God be God on His terms, not ours. — Priscilla Shirer

In prayer you gain your strength - the power to gird yourself with armor that extinguishes every weapon your enemy wields. — Priscilla Shirer

Now is the time to know that God is able. To connect your current reality with God's present ability. — Priscilla Shirer

You may not understand what all's happening in your life right now, but any possible explanation pales in comparison to what you do know because of your faith in God's goodness and assurance. — Priscilla Shirer

Disciplined runners consistently clear their heads and focus fully on the journey ahead..because their passion and zeal for the goal supersedes the strain. The goal beckons them onward. Passion doesn't negate weariness; it just resolves to press beyond it. — Priscilla Shirer

Whatever you are holding onto in this life, hold it loosely so it won't hurt when the Lord has to pry your fingers open to take it away. — Priscilla Shirer

Only God's presence can change people's lives. — Priscilla Shirer

So we strap on weapons that work - weapons divinely authorized for our success in spiritual warfare: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace. Then we take up the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, as well as the sword - the very Word of God. But — Priscilla Shirer

That's what the enemy wants. He wants you living in a state of defeat. Your defenses down. Your resolve weak and flimsy. Surrendering to an army of insecurities and misdiagnosis instead of courageously thriving in the sophisticated security of your identity in Christ. — Priscilla Shirer

You always thought you knew where you were headed. But now your life's been interrupted, and these personal goals, hopes, and trajectories are being asked to take a backseat to what God uniquely has in mind for you. — Priscilla Shirer

Having your spiritual radar up in constant anticipation of His presence- even in the midst of the joyful chaos and regular rhythms of your everyday living- is paramount in hearing God, because sometimes the place and manner you find Him is the least spectacular you'd expect. — Priscilla Shirer

It is time for us to breathe and build margin into our lives for God. Sabbath was intended as a gift, and it is still a gift to us today. If you are weary, worn out, and exhausted the concept of Sabbath will change your life. — Priscilla Shirer

We simply don't have the luxury of playing nice with prayer. Not if we want things to change. Not if we want to be free - from whatever's keeping us held down and held back. Not if we want our hearts whole and thriving and deep and grounded . . . different. Not if we want to reach our destinies and experience God's promises. Not if we want our husbands and children living out what God has called them to do and be and become. Not if we want a fence of God's protection around us. Not if we want to bear the unmistakable mark of His favor upon us. Not if we want the devil and his plans to go back to the hell where they came from. — Priscilla Shirer

Contentment is the equilibrium between the enjoyment of life now and the anticipation of what is to come. — Priscilla Shirer

We serve a God who is waiting to hear from you, and He can't wait to respond. — Priscilla Shirer

when we talk about the peace of God, don't think of singing and swaying and holding hands in a circle. The peace of God is strong, intense, palpable, real. You can sense its stable presence giving you inner security despite insecure circumstances. — Priscilla Shirer

In spiritual warfare, as we detect enemy activity and deploy the various pieces of armor, our prayers need to be fervent and specific, strategic and personal, tied to the specific needs arising at that specific occasion. — Priscilla Shirer

When you face two options and each seems to please God, consider the one that displays God's glory, power and strength. This makes room for God to reveal Himself to you and show Himself through you. Don't be fearful about the hard road he may ask you to take He desires to show Himself strong in you and will encourage you to do things that require trust and faith. — Priscilla Shirer

say no (Deut. 5:15). Strategy 9 - Against Your Heart He uses every opportunity to keep old wounds fresh in mind, knowing that anger and hurt and bitterness and unforgiveness will continue to roll the damage forward (Heb. 12:15). Strategy 10 - Against Your Relationships He creates disruption and disunity within your circle of friends and within the shared community of the body of Christ (1 Tim. 2:8). And that's just ten of 'em - ten — Priscilla Shirer

. . being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you." (Heb. 13:5) — Priscilla Shirer

Hold your own plans loosely and stay ready to submit to His. Consider them to be more important, more desirable than anything you could dream up on your own. He has come down to you with intentionality and purpose because He loves you and knows that you are never more secure than when you're in His will. — Priscilla Shirer

(People) either overestimate Satan's influence and power, living with an inflated, erroneous perspective of his abilities. Or they underestimate him. They don't assign him any credit at all for the difficulties he's stirring up beneath the surface of our lives ... Satan is not God. And he is not God's counterpart or peer ... Satan is nothing but a copycat trying desperately to convince you he's more powerful than he actually is ... So even though he's given temporary clearance to strategize and antagonize, we don't need to pray from a position of fear or weakness against him ... But we can't expect to experience this power unless we're serious about joining the battle in prayer. — Priscilla Shirer

Unforgiveness is a strategic "design," craftily implemented by you enemy to "outwit" you, to cripple your effectiveness in prayer and your power to stand against him victoriously. Which is why, if I were your enemy, I would do everything possible to keep you from forgiving anyone and everyone who's done you any wrong. — Priscilla Shirer

The "word of the Lord" is designed to reshape your purposes, putting you in a position for Him to do through you what you cannot do on your own. — Priscilla Shirer

The spirit of complaint is born out of an unwillingness to trust God with today.
Like the Israelites, it means you are spending your time looking back toward Egypt or wishing for the future all the while missing what God is doing right now. — Priscilla Shirer

God's impressions within and His Word without are always corroborated by His providence around, and we should quietly wait until these three focus into one point. ... If you do not know what you ought to do, stand still until you do. — Priscilla Shirer

You and I are the mechanisms God has put in place to keep today's corrupting systems of thought from taking root and then taking effect in the hearts of our children. — Priscilla Shirer

Prayer is how we isolate the real problems. And prayer is how we get up behind those problems and attack them at the roots. It's how we isolate the real enemy. It's how we keep him on his heels and off our man. — Priscilla Shirer

We pray because our own solutions don't work and because prayer deploys, activates, and fortifies us against the attacks of the enemy. We — Priscilla Shirer

This book is just not meant for pretty reading. It's not for coffee-table curiosity and other such cameo appearances. Think of it instead as industrial-grade survival gear. Duct tape and superglue. Leather straps lashed around it. Old shoelaces maybe. In tight double knots. Whatever it takes to keep it all together. Because this is war. The fight of your life. A very real enemy has been strategizing and scheming against you, assaulting you, coming after your emotions, your mind, your man, your child, your future. In fact, he's doing it right this second. Right where you're sitting. Right where you are. But I say his reign of terror stops here. Stops now. He might keep coming, but he won't have victory anymore. Because it all starts failing when we start praying. — Priscilla Shirer

Ministry is when the people who hear you, don't want more of you; they want more of Him because of what you've said. When you point them to God's fire instead of trying to get attention for yourself-that's ministry. — Priscilla Shirer

According to Scripture, the number-one purpose of marriage - more than even the unique, time-honored partnership it creates between a man and woman, more than even the conceiving and raising of children, more than any Prince Charming fairy tale in any little girl's head - is how it represents the mystery of the gospel in active, living form. — Priscilla Shirer

The battles your enemy wages against you - especially the most acute, consistent ones - possess a personality to them, an intimate knowledge of who you are and the precise pressure points where you can most easily be taken down. — Priscilla Shirer

They were creating a program on contemplative prayer called Be Still. They asked me to be a part of this project that was designed to help Americans see the importance of spending time before God in stillness. I knew immediately that God wanted me to be a part of the project. — Priscilla Shirer

This Resolution for Women will both stir and challenge you. It will speak to the best part of who you are. It will remind you of your priceless value and the wonderful, God-honoring reasons why you were created. Then it will push you to embrace your current season of life by defining what matters to you most in the midst of it. This book will encourage, inspire, and even provoke and irritate you. But at every place, it will lead you to devote yourself to making and keeping commitments that will bring you all the blessings and joys of a life in pursuit of God's best. As you read, you will find yourself analyzing — Priscilla Shirer

Persistent, internal inklings matched by external confirmation is often the way God directs believers into His will. — Priscilla Shirer

Believing that life interruptions - divine interruptions - are a privilege not only causes us to handle them differently but to await them eagerly. — Priscilla Shirer

Most of our days are filled with routine duties required for life to continue with any sort of sanity. But if we take the time look closely, we might discover that God is using these normal activities to prepare us for future tasks, each duty pointing to His blessing in our lives. — Priscilla Shirer