Piper Laurie Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 13 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Piper Laurie.
Famous Quotes By Piper Laurie

It took a long time, but I have learned that you just can't take anything you want out of life without putting something back in exchange. — Piper Laurie

If I had stayed in Hollywood, I would have killed myself. Or someone would have done it for me — Piper Laurie

I dropped the script in the fireplace, called my agent and said, they can jail me, sue me, but I'm never acting again, unless I can do something worthwhile. — Piper Laurie

One thing is certain. The old Piper Laurie is no more. — Piper Laurie

I was so flattered to be asked to be in the movies - the idea of being paid to act was heady stuff. — Piper Laurie

Believe me, when an actress is told that her very name is synonymous with bad acting, she's had it. — Piper Laurie

And even then when you take it, you've got to take it with your whole heart. — Piper Laurie

The fact is, I never wanted to be a movie star. — Piper Laurie

I've always felt robbed of something by people not knowing I was a Jew. — Piper Laurie