Petter A. Stordalen Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 2 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Petter A. Stordalen.
Famous Quotes By Petter A. Stordalen

The truth is that I don't have any more energy than anyone else. I might get up earlier in the morning than most, but I go to bed earlier too. I am almost never at a party past midnight. I greet all I meet, make sure I am visible then use the "toilet-excuse" and go home and to bed. That way, everyone has seen that I was at the party, but nobody noticed when I left.
There is nothing that is called "hero all day, hero all night."
You have to choose. — Petter A. Stordalen

And if you wonder how serious I am when I talk about filling your head with positive thoughts: I only watch one type of movies. The ones with happy endings. — Petter A. Stordalen