Peter Cooper Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Peter Cooper.
Famous Quotes By Peter Cooper

I wound up writing a review that asserted her greatness but also said that this was not her career album, and that she could and would do even better than this.
I was in Atlanta, late at night, leaving a piano bar (don't ask), when my cell phone rang and I distractedly picked it up.
'Peter Cooper?'
The words came out as one: 'Petercooper?'
'You better get your ass over here right now.'
'Who is this?'
'Petercooper, it's Leeannwomack. Where the hell are you?'
'I'm in Atlanta?'
That one was hard to answer. I paused to ponder.
'Doesn't matter. Get your sorry ass over here right now.'
'I can't. I'm in Atlanta.'
'Well, get in your car and drive to Nashville. 'Cause I'm gonna give you three swift kicks to the groin. — Peter Cooper

(Skip Litz) was road managing Todd Snider one time, which meant he had to sneak Todd's tiny dog, Lulu, into hotels. In Atlanta, Skip checked Todd into a hotel that didn't accept dogs. Then Skip carried Lulu in his arms, right through the lobby, and a guy behind the hotel desk saw this happening and said, 'Is that a dog?'
Skip looked the guy square in the eye and said, 'No.' Then he and Lulu got on the elevator, and no one said another word about it. — Peter Cooper

One of the most fulfilling things about programming is that you can turn your dreams into reality. The amount of skill you need varies with your dreams, but generally if you want to develop a certain type of application or service, you can give it a try. Most software comes from necessity or a dream, so keeping your eyes and ears open for things you might want to develop is important. — Peter Cooper

A true history of human events would show that a far larger proportion of our acts are the result of sudden impulse and accident than of that reason of which we so much boast. — Peter Cooper

I have always recognized that the object of business is to make money in an honorable manner. I have endeavored to remember that the object of life is to do good. — Peter Cooper

Don Light talks ...
... The Marines help teach you patience, and patience is a virtue. My old friend Les Beasley was in the Marines, too. When we first got in the Marines, they gave us these little white pills, so we wouldn't think about girls. Not long ago, Les told me that his little white pills had just started working. See, patience. — Peter Cooper

See, Shel (Silverstein) was possessed with one of the worst singing verses ever heard. Musical appreciation is inherently subjective, and it's normally senseless to write about vocalists or instrumentalists as 'good' or 'bad.' But in Shel's case, it's a practical necessity. His voice was a razor-gargled hyena screech. — Peter Cooper