Paul Kleinman Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Paul Kleinman.
Famous Quotes By Paul Kleinman

Inferiority Complex: A wholly or partly unconscious sense of inferiority, or feelings of lack of worth. The overcompensation of these feelings can lead to neurotic symptoms. Superiority Complex: Suppressing feelings that exist in an attempt to conquer an inferiority complex. According — Paul Kleinman

Though a person might not realize it, groups have a very powerful and dramatic effect on human behavior. Everyone acts differently when they are around people versus than when they are alone. SOCIAL FACILITATION The most basic theory regarding social psychology is that when a person is alone, he or she is more relaxed and not concerned about the appearance of their behavior. — Paul Kleinman

Whatever Elly does - is useless, but for him it's important to do it. (regarding Elly Kleinman - Paul's grandfather) — Paul Kleinman