Paul Dini Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Paul Dini.
Famous Quotes By Paul Dini

Besides, when it came to being colorful...we invisible kids learned to carry our colors on the inside — Paul Dini

Riddler: You want to tell me who you killed and why?
Catwoman: We didn't kill anyone
Poisson Ivy: Well, not yesterday — Paul Dini

Boys, boys, boys. Boys buy the little spinny tops, they but the action figures, girls buy princesses, we're not selling princesses. — Paul Dini

End? You don't mean like, dead end? — Paul Dini

Clean this place out. I want hard drives, gadgets, papers, circuit boards, everything. Grab the pencil sharpener if it looks interesting. — Paul Dini

There's so much going on here, and out there, and places we don't even know about. Everything's so scary and uncertain. We never know when fate will shake it all up."
"That's pretty deep."
"You gotta wonder how we'll ever make it through."
"I guess we can fall back on what's gotten us this far."
"A positive attitude and lots of denial? — Paul Dini