Patsy Rodenburg Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Patsy Rodenburg.
Famous Quotes By Patsy Rodenburg

You have to learn to work and search, not expect instantly to find. — Patsy Rodenburg

When actors go onstage, you know immediately if they can do their job. You can be a lawyer or an accountant for years and not find out. — Patsy Rodenburg

I'm regularly asked, 'What's a good voice?' I often answer, 'One that I don't notice'. I would also add, one which makes me notice things about a spoken text — Patsy Rodenburg

Materialism, to some extent, requires that the consumer is not fully present or happy. In the moments of a spending frenzy you feel more alive so you spend, spend, spend in the pursuit of happiness. For a short period the acquisition of clothes, shoes, a house, a car, a new kitchen, anchors your life into some place of meaning. — Patsy Rodenburg

You can't act Shakespeare until you can speak him. — Patsy Rodenburg