Patrick McCabe Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 8 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Patrick McCabe.
Famous Quotes By Patrick McCabe

Oh now now he says that's all over you must forget all about that next week your solitary finishes how about that hmm? I felt like laughing in his face: How can your solitary finish? That's the best laugh yet. — Patrick McCabe

All the beautiful things in this world are lies. They count for nothing in the end. — Patrick McCabe

Although I'm afraid I don't get too many clients these days! — Patrick McCabe

When I am at my work each day
In the fields so fresh and green
I often think of riches and the way things might have been
But believe me when I tell you when I get home each day
I'm as happy as a sandboy with my wee cup of tay — Patrick McCabe

Bye Bye , Father,' I said as the confessional door clicked shut behind me, 'Ah's' eyes following me, wondering, I suppose, what He'd been drinking the day he went and made a twilight zone of a disaster like me. — Patrick McCabe

You'll have to learn to forgive," he said. "For if you don't, you know what will happen?"
"What, Doctor?" I croaked, for my outburst had exhausted me.
"It will destroy you," he said as he handed me the tea.
A tear came into my eye when he said it for I knew it was true and I would have loved to be able to do it (not because of its destroying me but because it was right, and deep down I knew that) but I couldn't and the more I thought of it the more the blood came coursing to my head so that whenever I'd write I'd find myself clutching the pencil so tight I broke the lead how many times I don't know, hundreds. — Patrick McCabe

There he is - gone! as they say in Tyreelin — Patrick McCabe

I don't know if he was English but he spoke like it. He said good afternoon when everybody else said hardy weather or she looks like rain. — Patrick McCabe