Pamela K. Kinney Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Pamela K. Kinney.
Famous Quotes By Pamela K. Kinney

A black dog, tall and wide as a full grown man, took a couple of steps toward them. It bared sharp, yellow fangs big as Bowie knifes. Drool dripped from them to the dried grass below. Unable to help it, Lee wet his pants when he saw the animal's eyes. It had four glowing orbs that burned with a smoldering red light like the fires of Hell. — Pamela K. Kinney

Lee leaned closer to her and swore he could smell fear coming off her in waves, the way a shark smells blood in the water — Pamela K. Kinney

A prickle of awareness made the hairs at the back of his neck stand. A deep chill sank into his flesh to settle around his heart, squeezing it. Skeletal fingers scraped along his spine and he wanted to look back over his shoulder, but couldn't. No, he didn't dare. If he saw what caused the sound it might be more than he could handle. Rooted to the ground, he couldn't twitch a finger or twist his head around. His lips glued together, so he couldn't speak. — Pamela K. Kinney

Just tell yourself they're only stories.
Pamela K. Kinney (Spectre Nightmares and Visitations) — Pamela K. Kinney

The demonic face stared up at him. It had horns, a Snidely Whiplash mustache and a nasty grin. — Pamela K. Kinney

The dead don't stay dead in this town!
Haunted Richmond II-Pamela K. Kinney — Pamela K. Kinney

Hauntingly active as they share space with the living, the dead refuse to give up their undead residency. — Pamela K. Kinney