Nury Vittachi Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Nury Vittachi.
Famous Quotes By Nury Vittachi

You can leave Hong Kong, but it will never leave you. — Nury Vittachi

I'm not asking much,' he said. 'Only a miracle. Can you do this?'
Wong looked down at the briefing papers in front of him for a moment. Then he looked at Tambi in the eye. 'Miracles we have fifteen per cent extra surcharge. Is it okay? — Nury Vittachi

Stories are wonderful, enjoyable, and scrumptious things. In the old days, they were served on thin plates called pages. You ate them with your eyes. And they didn't go down to your tummy, like normal food. No, they went into a dream machine inside your head. — Nury Vittachi

Yes, life is hard, but it's not a bad way to pass the time. When all is said and done, I recommend it. — Nury Vittachi

A fine way to capture a piece of the magic of a unique city. The drama, the charm and the beauty of Hong Kong is all here-just as is its breathless energy. — Nury Vittachi

Not for the first time, Joyce lamented the lack of irony in conversations in Asia. — Nury Vittachi