Nina Stibbe Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 10 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Nina Stibbe.
Famous Quotes By Nina Stibbe

I looked at my little family all smiling and quite happy at the thought that Charlie had tried to maim or kill Mr. Lomax - or at least blow up his van - and I realized then that I was the only normal one. — Nina Stibbe

Remember what I said. There's always a lot of autobiography in fiction and fiction in autobiography. It has to be that way otherwise they'd be unreadable (except by the author). — Nina Stibbe

Me: What will I do?
MK: What you always do--only in Switzerland. — Nina Stibbe

Don't do that thing of making it an excuse to do less, do more — Nina Stibbe

AB is an admirer of Les Dawson. AB says that only an extremely accomplished pianist could to play as badly as Les Dawson (pretends to do). Maybe it's the same with S. Beckett. He could write a really good (sensible) play that everyone would get, but he doesn't.
Like Les Dawson, he's pretending to be crap. Which you can only do if you're a genius. — Nina Stibbe

I'll think about going (to yoga). But I'm not sure I want to be that relaxed. I am who I am and I might not do so well as a relaxed person. — Nina Stibbe

No one wants to set foot outside unless it's to go somewhere — Nina Stibbe

It looked like the basket of someone keen to live life to the full — Nina Stibbe