Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Nicko Shoid.
Famous Quotes By Nicko Shoid
Some journeys make you realize that you are running for a wrong goal. — Nicko Shoid
Some people give memories to your life whereas some give life to your memories. — Nicko Shoid
I murdered every second of time to keep you alive in my thoughts. — Nicko Shoid
Famous Quotes
I think a lot of people saw 'Fight Club' and thought, 'Right, here's our next Che Guevara, here's our next Fidel Castro, here's someone who's going to wave the flag.' And I was like, 'No, it's just a book. And if I beat that drum, if I play that song one more time, I won't have a career.'" Author: Chuck Palahniuk