Neil Cole Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 19 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Neil Cole.
Famous Quotes By Neil Cole

God never downloads the whole plan at once; you have to discover it along the way. This is because the greater goal is not that we accomplish something but that we grow more intimate with our Lord. Those who listen well to God will find that God listens well to them, and they will accomplish a lot more. In — Neil Cole

I have come to understand church as this: the presence of Jesus among His people called out as a spiritual family to pursue His mission on this planet. — Neil Cole

If we cannot multiply churches, we will never see a movement. If we cannot multiply leaders we will never multiply churches. If we cannot multiply disciples, we will never multiply leaders. The way to see a true church multiplication movement is to multiply healthy disciples, then leaders, then churches, and finally movements-in that order. — Neil Cole

Another claims, "Every Christian is a church planter, every home is a church, and every church building is a
training center. — Neil Cole

We would do much better as leaders in the Church to learn at the feet of the farmer rather than study with the CEO of a corporation. — Neil Cole

Instead of bringing people to church so that we can then bring them to Christ, let's bring Christ to people where they live. — Neil Cole

The journey to significance starts with the mere willingness to surrender the status quo and take the first step of faith into the adventure. — Neil Cole

When we start putting together systems to make sure that future generations obey, what we end up doing is building an institution that conforms people to a pattern. They don't have their own faith, they're living off the residue of faith of a previous generation. — Neil Cole

Live secure in Christ, rather than trying to protect your position in the church. We need to change our values as leaders. If we're not willing to give away our positions to others by equipping them for the work of service, we don't deserve the positions we have. Our identity and security are to be in Christ, not in a title or role in a religious organization. — Neil Cole

The true well-being of the church: when she cannot count on anything anymore but God's promises.
-Johannes Hoekendijk — Neil Cole

If you want to win this world to Christ, you are going to have to sit in the smoking section. That is where lost people are found, and if you make them put their cigarette out to hear the message they will be thinking about only one thing: "When can I get another cigarette? — Neil Cole

Attendance on Sundays does not transform lives; Jesus within their hearts is what changes people. — Neil Cole

There are few character traits that stand out in this world more than a generous heart. — Neil Cole

The church is at its best in two's or three's-not in two or three hundreds or two or three thousands. "Where two or three are gathered together, there am I in the midst of them. — Neil Cole

Church begins with Jesus: who He is and what He has done. It is all about Jesus, and if it begins
to be about something else, then it stops being the church as Jesus meant it to be. — Neil Cole

Every church throughout history whose members were willing to surrender their lives for the sake of Christ witnessed dramatic and spontaneous growth. — Neil Cole

We have raised the bar so high on how church is done that few believe they could ever do it themselves. The dark side of this endeavor is that we have lowered the bar of what is means to be a Christian, such that simply showing up to the weekly one-hour event with some regularity and a checkbook is all it takes. — Neil Cole

Let us all remember that it is not our own reputations that are at stake in the missions to which we are called. It is His. The successes and the setbacks are His. It is His rejection, His reception - not ours. These — Neil Cole

One of our church networks has as its purpose statement "To have a church within walking distance of every person living in Las Vegas. — Neil Cole