Mohammed Zaki Ansari Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 100 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Mohammed Zaki Ansari.
Famous Quotes By Mohammed Zaki Ansari

I could take revenge, i could give pain, But i do not know how to be such a cheap
So hurt to one,i love you more than my life to whom always i speak — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Beauty of body doesn't matter ,Many snakes are beautiful but you cant keep them in home because their nature to sting and kill by their poison which all they have inside
So matter is what is Inside Not Out side Beauty — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Love do not has its own destiny
Morality and Honesty of beloved decide The fate of love — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

if you wanted to see me dead,you would whisper and i could kill self for you happiness it was a small thing but you made yourself corrupt for very small thing — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

In afternoon if you close eyes it's doesn't mean there is dark outside and if you avoid or do not want see your wrong deeds and wrong character it's doesn't mean all Good in you — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Why should i have fake smile on my face ,
If my heart and soul suffering in unrest.
it's not my duty to entertain you But its my responsibility to be Honest and Original — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

For you it may be enjoyable to betraying but do you know you are killing one innocent person who trusted on you.
So keep it mind your enjoy is not free.Someone paid for your fun by His/Her life — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

If i start hate her, just because of this that she betrayed me ,Then i will betray to my Love. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

i may understand it's easy to cheat loved one
i may understand it's easy to be betrayed Loved one
But i do not understand Its really so Tough to be honest ?
The Biggest challenge for human is to keep self as Human — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

If person have excuse for Every bad thing which use to do with others.than its wrong soul in human body — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Love is a feeling which you can't change but its change you,
Beloved is a person whom you can't replace with anyone
but you replace your wishes with his or her wishes — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Love is a commitment not a game
if want play to game go ahead play but Don't give it name is your right to live your life and play any game as you want, but its not your right and its not right to destroy anyone's life — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

The Knife of betrayal tease from back and this Que prick every sec deep in heart why you get this pain from that person whom you love and intention to love every sec as crazy.when did not get Ans its create anger inside for self.And no one can't understand how this anger kills every day thousand time — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Do not judge to Anyone, Do not let anyone to judge you.
But Every person must have little moral and honest to judge themselves. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

You can be found better man then me.But where you will found Toy like me with whom you can play a lot in many ways and who just keep simple with out hurt you. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Both things are invisible But we Both are aware
I colored my self in your fragrance
And you colored your hands in my BLOOD — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

The only reason i Fall in love with cigarette.each one take 2 minutes of my life and i love this. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

I do not write feelings, emotions i do not write
After that day on love anything i do not write
My silence scream somewhere inside me
These are my Bloody wounds on paper,
words i do not write — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Flirting is like Shopping by credit card.
You No Need to pay at a time by your pocket for shopping people for your fun
destiny charged you In Future — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

People will meet you people will left you,people will hate you people will love you,people will break you,people will destroy you people will Cheat you People will betray you they will make your life hell even breathing will impossible for you..
But what you should do ?
just love and strew Love,One day world will on knee In front of you. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Break up of some relation sometime don't just break connection between two person,for some one it can be disconnection with his soul.and the disconnect between body and soul its mean death of a person — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

if man's life value for women and if she need man,believe me she can not Broke his swear never in any situation,in any condition. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Human for love and things for use
But now days people use humans and love things — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Those who loves you they do not die with you but they do all that you die to live.
Those who do not love you do not kill you physically but they do all that you wait to die — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

In the world of technology,In the world of Internet , information,teachings knowledge are spreading so fast but sad no one want to apply or follow because everyone is busy to share. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

if someone loves you , they do not feel hesitation to accept their mistake and don't feel shame to be sorry to save you if you are worth for them.
And if there is no love there is no efforts but people take a chance as opportunity to make smart exit from your life and throw out you from their life As they start with someone another. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

My Mistake - i trusted
My fault - i believed
My Bad - i open my heart
My Muff - i was honest
My Lapse - i was caring
Good People of today's world do not have all that things.So if someone have .surly deserve Punishment ,Betrayal , cheating and wounds on Heart and Soul — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

It's not pity if there is no one to love you,But its your time to live fearless that your death will not cause pain for anyone,Your death will not bring tears to any one. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

I Born as Human its blessing of GOD .But if you die as Human it will be My achievement — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

my enemies don't scared me .. but the people who say I love you — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Do not excited and take it easy if someone say "I love you"
some people have nature to chance their love more fast than Chameleon change colors. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

My Dreams are not in my eyes
My Eyes are on my Dreams — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

I love my Pain,Because this is the only gift which i received by My most loving person.and its so costly for me — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

it maybe brilliancy to change partner time to time as per required of sex and par demand of sex mind and flirting Game
But it is degeneracy Of Morality and dignity — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

it is your life and you have to live your life as you want but you must have courage to pay by your self for the life which you are living , if someone other is paying by their tears and grief for your enjoyment ,then you are living a shameful life. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

100 % people fall in love but just few understand what is love exactly — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

What is love ?
a man was dying in pain.he turned and saw his beloved put knife in his back.He just smile and whisper "My love ,are you sure ? your hand did not hurt — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

The most easy and simple thing to do in world is to say someone I Love You.
And most difficult thing to do is keep on yourself on your these 3 words. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

I got desire to be alive when i got believe in your embrace i will die.
Believe had Broken and desire Lost — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Only Some people feel what is love
Others Just practice sex. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

People can show false love But cant false Hate
People can show false caring But cant false careless
So believe on it they show you hate and treat you careless ,.It is true feelings — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Only my death can full fill the dream ,
My soul will around you and you will unknown about it — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

false swears are like sweet poison and cancer , its work slowly without acknowledgment but take the till end like cancer — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Doesn't matter you have thousand of qualities but if you are not honest with your beloved,then other all qualities are hold relation and love there is need only one quality Thats call Honesty and just Honesty — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

if anyone believe love can be buy at Magic Shops.
That person can not respect your love never because for that person love is not miracle.But only a thing which can be Bought Direct or indirect ,seduce by Body or Bought from Conjurer — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Mistake is act happen unknowingly,Repetition of Mistake is no more mistake but its act of your choice which you try to hide behind the word "Mistake — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

More then me you betrayed to God Because you said Tujkh mai rab dikhta hai ( i see my God in you) — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Life is not about in what we are living , in happy or in pain,in poor or rich,but its all about how we are living ,index of human is only honesty in character and self respect, Best Thing we can do in life its honesty,honesty with Self and with others also But we Can't be honest with others if we are not with our self, Our Soul Leave our body when we die,but our soul meet with us when we on death bed. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Give love and Get Betrayal
This is true same as much as Death is true — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Of Course you can attract someone by Beautiful body ,but if you don't have beautiful soul than they will be with you only until they enjoy your body in Bed — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

your lack of knowledge may not for you but surely it is dangerous for your child because you cannot teach them which you your self do not know — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Don't try.
no one can run from soul.yes you can avoid it for sometime but one day again it will come in-front of you with lost of que
Better to live in that way so from your soul you no need to run away — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Time Can Not Cure Heart's Wounds Never,But Wounds Spoil and Kill Heart On The Time — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Respect the wounds which you gave like that
Keep them in Heart for forever and never treated — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Most of the people share quotes and wordings not because they follow them or absorb for life but they knows by share it i can be notice as a wise person. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Most stupid Question Most of the
time people ask
What is Important for you
Love Or Money
My Answer :- Love inspire to
Build Taj Mahal And Money
Full fill the Dream
Love Inspire you to give good life
to your family and Money Do it
For survive Soul, you need love
For survive Body,You need Money — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

betrayal knife does not visible in body's back Because it's directly hot Soul and Injured There — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Writing is not just my Hobby . Pen is mouthpiece of my feelings,I have no another one But paper is my best friend. and My Best Friend always Listen so patiently whatever,whenever i speak — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

If You Really Feel Beloved Pain Then Do Not Repeat Things Which cause of Pain Again — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

when you run from truth , lie create a artificial beautiful cage around you and you start live like prisoner who just think i am free but its also lie. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

My Body is graveyard of my Heart And Soul — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

It is not matter how many battles you won or lost.
Matter is .Who won War — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Honesty Is Soul Of Love"
Laila Majnu,Shirin Farhad,Romeo Juliet,These love stories are immortal,ideal love stories ,not because of love but because of honesty,honesty which they keep hold for their beloved,Love is there in every love story but not honesty so Only love story which has honesty its become Immortal and ideal love story. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Chocolates are more expansive then Child and beloved swears.Then we are living in world which already Spoil And Human are changed in Animal — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

i am not an angel ,and i don't want to be an angel.
I Born as a Human and and my Biggest Task to keep my self Just a Human. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Why should i blame world, if i get wrong to recognize true and real faces of people — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

people can respect someone without love but its not possible to love someone without respect and if its so easy to cheat beloved then its not respect.and if not respect then there is no if person whom you trust lots if cheat on you then accept they don't love you — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Happiness are guest in life but pain is Part of life. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

People try to find out true love but they don't get success..Why ? Because they search it in life in peoples But its dwell in Books — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Cigarette smoking is injurious to health,
After all it's pretty good than peoples.They injurious to Soul — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Try to listen silence of your loved one And you will find voice of Heart and Feelings — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Sunglasses are the best invention of world.Its hide the eyes which speak more then lips — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

No Body Want your love
People are here for fun,Money,Sex, Flirting Enjoyment interesting game.
So Do not Expect Much and Do not Hurt. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Learn so carefully in life,learning is tough not impossible But if once you learn wrong then its almost impossible to unlearn — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Do not effort to win but try to lose if your Close one is there to fight
Happiness that is achieved after losing to our close one's ,that is not possible to achieved even after winning the world — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

it's not your brilliancy that your betrayal someone
but its innocence of that person who believed and trusted on Fake Person — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Letting stay Past In Present,Its Surety To Destroy Future.. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

It's not difficult to find love which see sunshine in you after sexual night
It's not difficult to find love which praise you after eat your cooked food
its not difficult to find love which in return love for the things what you do
But its miracle of love if you have someone who loves you for you.who keep your wishes your happiness your choices at the first place all above Just you .
Only this is the love another all just exchange method — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

She is not with me,this grief is not bigger then this happiness that she is with her choice — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

For some people themselves and their family is only human But Other all are Toy For play and Broke After game
But The truth they do not know that they just Own Human Body Nothing More — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

My Father don't think i deserve to get wish from him on children day
And i am not father for my children so they wish me on father's day
But Silently i wish them on their days.
Love is not only show off of love.Keep love alive inside you, God is aware of your feelings Doesn't matter if people don't — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

If you are going to trust on loves one . first learn to tolerate pain.because finally your trust will bring you there — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

If you unload your anger on others its your Weakness And if you learn to absorb your anger inside you Then its your Power. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

when you betray to someone , first you betray to yourself, who speak somewhere inside you that you are a good human — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

There is soul in side body all life we live with it but we do not meet with our soul and our soul leaves our body when we die But Our soul meet with us when we on dead bed. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

your one true promise can make someone's life beautiful , in the same way your one false promise can destroy someone's life
So make sure yourself about your promise before make sure someone other that you will keep stand on your words. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

murder is not only when you took knife or gun and killed someone.Sometime you kill someone by your Act and deeds That's is also Murder — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

I believe in love but I do not believe in people.
And it is people who realize me. to Do not believe on People — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

There are only 2 type of people in this world
1 st those respect self, respect others, live with dignity and honest
2 nd those sell their soul.and cheat all everyone from human to God — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

When i angry, i unload my anger on my self
When i overflow with love, i distribute it. — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

I do not know about my life but i am sure about my death , i will die in rest because i have no credit of anyone on my soul — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Worst persons of the world those easily take lie wear of their child,For a sec they don't feel hesitation to put child life on risk for self.So how you can call them Human if even they Don't love their own child — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Learn to absorb your anger inside you
It will be your best partner till you breath — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

of course play with others life if you are good player
But once you have to think How your reaction if your children meet with same player like you ?
is it make you happy ? then continue — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Loneliness is not sad part , Best part of my life is, My death will not cause pain for anyone — Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Always smiling ,Has not he put smile on your face too ?clam and rational ,Was not he there when you needed him ? He was always there to listen to you,Right ? He always stopped to help you,He was always on your side and stayed with you through any challenge you encountered, Didn't He ?
But has anybody ever though about how "he' really feels ? Has anybody wondered what his heart wants? No ! But that is alright,He fights by himself,That's the curse of a strong heart because nobody asks whether its hurt,
That's Zaki That's his Story — Mohammed Zaki Ansari