Miles Teller Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 47 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Miles Teller.
Famous Quotes By Miles Teller

I've played drums since I was 15. My sisters and I all played instruments. I kind of started with piano and then I actually played saxophone with a jazz band in middle school. So, any knowledge I had of jazz music was from playing alto-sax back then. — Miles Teller

First play I ever did was 'Footloose.' I played the part of Willard when I was 16. I think I wore my drama teacher's jeans and her belt - that's how small I was. I know a lot of Willard's back story from the musical that's not explored in the film. Like he's got this whole relationship with his mama, and he sings this song 'Mama Says.' — Miles Teller

My mom is very proud of introducing music to all her kids. But I played in some bad rock bands my junior and senior years of high school. — Miles Teller

'Footloose' is a fun movie. If you do it right, people should leave wanting to dance. — Miles Teller

We were doing this close-up of my character on a cell phone, and the director's just like "Cut! Can we get somebody else's hand in there?" I do bite my fingernails, and you don't want to see a fat, bitten thumbnail on a 30-foot movie screen, so I get somebody with really nice, sexy hands and put 'em in there. — Miles Teller

The makers of '21 and Over' have been screening it, and I'm getting a lot of comparisons to a young Vince Vaughn. — Miles Teller

Honestly, I'm not a big movie buff in general. The only movies I own is probably the 'Indiana Jones' trilogy. — Miles Teller

I feel like my body doesn't judge the hours, you know? It doesn't care if it's daytime or nighttime. — Miles Teller

Going to high school in rural Florida, we always partied down in the woods. Somebody - one of the rednecks - would leave class and mow a path out to a field, and we'd drive out there. Dude, every party I went to was lit by a bonfire. Acoustic guitar. — Miles Teller

I think a lot of times it just looks like Hollywood actors in Halloween costumes, you know? And I think what we're going to do with Fantastic Four is going to be very grounded and it made sense to me. When I read the script, I didn't feel like I was reading this larger-than-life, incredible superhero tale. These are all very human people that end up having to become I guess what is known as the Fantastic Four. So for me it was just a really good story and gives me an opportunity to play something different from my own skin. It's a proper character and that's my favorite stuff to do. — Miles Teller

Living in somebody else's pain for an actor man, it's actually nice when you get to feel that kind of emotion. That's what I like. — Miles Teller

I used to have a big crush on Andie MacDowell. — Miles Teller

Four is a powerful figure in literature and physical form — Miles Teller

So I think that in the beginning of your career you're just looking to work. Luckily for me, my first movie was 'Rabbit Hole' and I got to work with incredible people, a Pulitzer prize winning writer, John Cameron Mitchell, and all the actors involved. So it's tough, man, because you want to have credibility. — Miles Teller

For me, as far as friendship goes, I think you truly get out of it, what you put into it. — Miles Teller

I drummed in some rock bands. I asked for a drum kit when I was 15 and my parents were kind enough to buy me one and I just started playing with my buddies who played guitar. — Miles Teller

In most relationships, somebody cares about the other one more and that's usually why you get out of a relationship because it's not reciprocated. — Miles Teller

I'm still waiting for my first big Hollywood paycheck ... maybe I'll play a superhero. — Miles Teller

Acting doesn't exist in a vacuum. You need the director to have a set of eyes. — Miles Teller

I just love the history of acting. It's such a beautiful craft and you absolutely get out of it what you put into it. — Miles Teller

I think girls are surprised when you actually really listen and then you call it back at the end of the night. — Miles Teller

For me, the greatest kind of success that I've had on a particular project or in exploring a role does come through collaboration. I wouldn't want to do a movie where everything I do the director just says, "Good job" and I'm under directed. — Miles Teller

Naked acrobatics are on my resume — Miles Teller

My second grade teacher told me I would never graduate high school. That I was going to be a juvenile delinquent. — Miles Teller

I like girls who are cute and naturally funny. As long as they are not too high-maintenance, then we're good. — Miles Teller

Umm ... So I just realized Ive been peeling bananas wrong my entire life. Thank you animal planet. — Miles Teller

I've played drums in bands since I was 16. — Miles Teller

When I was in middle school, I always did well in school, but teachers either loved me or absolutely hated me. — Miles Teller

I grew up in a very small town in Florida, like, 7,000 people. — Miles Teller

I don't know if there's an actors' slow-pitch softball league I could join. My agency has a team, but they say it would be a conflict of interest for the people they rep to play because I could hit a pop-up and they'd have to drop it on purpose. — Miles Teller

When I was in high school, there was 'Superbad' and 'The Girl Next Door' and 'Wedding Crashers' and all these great movies. You hope to be a part of something that's smart, funny and in that Todd Phillips-vein. You want to make something like 'Superbad.' That movie was so good and so funny. — Miles Teller

I always had ambition. I always knew I was going to go to college. I could party and do that stuff, but I always got straight A's and a 4.0 and all that. — Miles Teller

I've always felt like I can dance. — Miles Teller

Just go to a bar, watch football - that's fun to me because I've not gotten to see anything because I've been travelling so much. Playing some shuffleboard and some pool and darts. I like kind of dive-y bars. — Miles Teller

I just got an iPhone, which is cool, but I don't download movies, I don't watch Hulu, I don't have Netflix. I don't do any of that. But I do geek out to music. — Miles Teller

I got into acting my junior year of high school. We got a new hot drama teacher and I was like 'Alright, I'll try drama.' — Miles Teller

I was not a band geek, per say. But me and my two older sisters played instruments, so I would come home and my sister Dana would be playing the clarinet or playing the piano, and I would play the saxophone, my other sister would be singing, my mom would be singing. I was not afraid to be musical. That was not something that I thought was uncool. — Miles Teller

For me, I still have feelings for all of my ex-girlfriends. In different parts of my life, I would miss that person. There's something that drew me to that person, and I shared something with them. — Miles Teller

Absolutely, 'Rabbit Hole' gave me a nice first introduction into film acting. — Miles Teller

I'm the first one out on the dance floor. In college I had to take jazz, ballet and tap dancing, but, before that, it was just social. — Miles Teller

If I don't have a schedule in front of me, I do enjoy sleeping. It's important for your body! — Miles Teller

At the end of the day, it's hard to keep relationships with people. I've got my family, my best friends and if a girl's gonna be a part of that then it's got to be good. If not, I'm out. — Miles Teller

I start a boxing movie and that's kind of something I've been able to get to the gym for. It's great anytime you can parallel a skill that your character has. I just think it makes it even more rewarding. — Miles Teller

As a drummer, you can't fake the instrument. A trumpet, you could be blowing air; a person who plays the trumpet could still say, "Oh, those aren't the right hand motions." On drums, you have to actually hit them. You can't fake it. — Miles Teller

I don't trust a girl that doesn't eat. I find that a little sketchy. — Miles Teller