Michael O. Tunnell Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Michael O. Tunnell.
Famous Quotes By Michael O. Tunnell

I can live on thin rations but not without hope — Michael O. Tunnell

Suddenly, out of the mist came a parachute with a fresh Hershey chocolate bar from America. It took me a week to eat that candy bar. I hid it day and night. The chocolate was wonderful, but it wasn't the chocolate that was most important. What it meant was that someone in America cared. That parachute was something more important than candy. It represented hope. Hope that someday we would be free. Without hope the soul dies. — Michael O. Tunnell

And as you see, poor Idris was ... persuaded,shall we say? Yes,persuaded to tell me about Tyre and his own route back to Al-Kal'as from there. Faysal, reveal to her his pain."
The Captain of the Guard dragged Idris forward. Faysal then ripped away his shirt, and Aminah gasped. Angry scars laced his bare chest, some of the burns still crusted and weeping. Tears tumbled down Aminah's face, but Idris did not raise his head to see them. "Forgive me" he mumered. — Michael O. Tunnell