Enjoy the top 2 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Michael Mabee.
Famous Quotes By Michael Mabee
We'd be safer with musket in a safe town than with an assault rifle in a "without rule of law" world. That may not be sexy, but it's the truth. — Michael Mabee
We are not preparing for the world we live in - we are preparing for the world we find ourselves in. — Michael Mabee
Famous Quotes
They really do have nothing in common on paper, these people and him. But yet there are so many common reference points; even some unexpected ones ... they all want to be cool. And they're all scared but no good at showing it ... [t]hey all know how to act cool. after all, life's pretty scary most of the time. And the number one skill you need out there is how to show no fear ... Stay calm. Don't let people see that you are shy or nervous. If you watch a horror film, remember to laugh. If someone else seems scared, laugh at them. In the real world, danger is either fantasy, in which case you laugh, or too real, in which case you ignore it." Author: Scarlett Thomas