Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Maurice Godelier.
Famous Quotes By Maurice Godelier
It is not sexuality which haunts society but society which haunts the body's sexuality — Maurice Godelier
Famous Quotes
In the interval from about February to May 1609, there was considerable material progress in and about Jamestown. Perhaps forty acres were cleared and prepared for planting in Indian corn, the new grain that fast became a staple commodity. A "deep well" was dug in the fort. The church was re-covered and twenty cabins built. A second trial was made at glass manufacture in the furnaces built late in 1608. A blockhouse was built at the isthmus which connected the Island to the mainland for better control of the Indians, and a new fort was erected on a tidal creek across the river from Jamestown." Author: Charles E. Hatch