Famous Quotes & Sayings

Mark Drolsbaugh Quotes & Sayings

Enjoy the top 1 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Mark Drolsbaugh.

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Famous Quotes By Mark Drolsbaugh

Mark Drolsbaugh Quotes 927894

Neither religion nor race mattered to me, but communication did. If you were willing to be my friend and accept my deafness, I didn't care if you were white, black, Catholic, Jewish, Swahili, or whatever. I didn't care if you worked as a CEO or passed your time handing out flowers at the airport. If you can communicate, you're my friend. This is a great example of how I feel that my deafness has helped me grow spiritually - I could appreciate my interaction with anyone, and just be happy we could get along rather than get bogged down on whatever groups or religions they belonged to. Really, human interaction is a blessing; it is such a waste to discriminate. — Mark Drolsbaugh