LeAnne Mechelle Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 14 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by LeAnne Mechelle.
Famous Quotes By LeAnne Mechelle

I've got to stop looking at you, like you light my world. You're the dark cloud which brings the rain. You're the hurricane which destroys my peace. You are not the sun. I am my own light. — LeAnne Mechelle

Her heart may be cracked, but it is pure. She may be jaded, but she is hopeful. She may be broken, but she is strong. She may be here, but she will leave. — LeAnne Mechelle

I crave the violence of your affection. I ache for the way it jumbles my insides and makes my heart feel like it's harboring a thunderstorm. I've never felt more alive in all my time on this earth, as I have, being underneath your touch. — LeAnne Mechelle

It's the butterflies in our bellies, and the lightening in our eyes that tells me this all makes so much fucking sense. — LeAnne Mechelle

Your embrace feels like slipping the key in the front door. — LeAnne Mechelle

You're nothing more than poison in my veins. — LeAnne Mechelle

My lifesaver has always been the hazel iris of your soul. It never fails. When the world plunges me deep into the darkness, one look from you is all it takes to save me. — LeAnne Mechelle

Loving you has been worse than an addiction to drugs.
At least I don't have the drugs c r a w l i n g into my bed at night. — LeAnne Mechelle

Chin up, and we'll drown a little slower. — LeAnne Mechelle

Are you there? I call for you.
I've been calling your name,
Searching every place in my mind to find you,
I've lost count of the days, the hours, minutes, and seconds.
The world that looked so vast is now small and empty.
Did you take all the magic with you?
Or perhaps the world is in pain like my heart because it's lost your spark. — LeAnne Mechelle

I crossed oceans for you,
Turned over every rock,
Climbed the highest mountains,
Holding on to the words you said,
Reliving your touch inside my head,
The taste of you on the tip of my tongue,
Only to be left with you as only a fantasy inside my head. — LeAnne Mechelle

I write because he needs to know. — LeAnne Mechelle

I'm chasing a decade old ghost. Searching beneath the rafters of a cobweb-filled haven lined with old memories which my brain cannot accept are dead. The light of nostalgia is burning bright inside my heart. Ignoring the emptiness around me, and hoping for a resurrection of love. — LeAnne Mechelle