Layla Hagen Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 9 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Layla Hagen.
Famous Quotes By Layla Hagen

When you find the person who sees you clearer than you see yourself, you know you've found true love. — Layla Hagen

He loved her so much he never wanted to say goodbye to her. He wanted to leave with her. — Layla Hagen

I need you in a way I never thought I could need anything. It's like air. You don't notice how much you need it until you don't have it. I love you, Aimee. — Layla Hagen

Love has an effect few other things have: to empower you with happiness, and at the same time, strip you of all power, making you a prisoner of fear. — Layla Hagen

I used to believe that the experiences life throws at us shape us. Now I think that it's the way we cope with what life throws our way that shapes us. — Layla Hagen

My peace carries her smell and sounds like her voice. — Layla Hagen

I used to hate waking up every morning. Now I look forward to every day, even though we're stuck in this place. Because it means one more day with you. — Layla Hagen

You don't need anyone. You're like a star, Aimee. Stars shine from within. They don't need anything else. — Layla Hagen

Death has its beauty. It makes you see the eternity in every second; it makes you see every moment's perfection instead of searching an eternity for the perfect moment. Time moves differently - beautifully - for those who only have smidgens of it left. But there is no beauty in death for those left behind. — Layla Hagen