Lalita Tademy Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 16 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Lalita Tademy.
Famous Quotes By Lalita Tademy

Three generations of women out on the front porch, four counting little Emily, trying to put words around a past and a future that could never be explained. — Lalita Tademy

You can't tell how heavy somebody else's load is just from looking. The Lord doesn't give us more than we can carry — Lalita Tademy

Some men good providers, got a way with the soil or a trade. Some men been given a singing voice take you to glory, or magic in they bodies to move in dance and make you feel alive. Some men so pretty you gaze on them with hunger, or so smooth they get hold of words and make you believe — Lalita Tademy

Don't be so eager to judge, Suzette. You can't tell how heavy somebody else's load is just from looking. — Lalita Tademy

This was the face of slavery. To have nothing, and still have something more to lose. — Lalita Tademy

Sometimes good came out of hurt, compensation came out of pain. He gave with one hand, and He took with the other. — Lalita Tademy

Reaching too deep into something not meant for you is full of pain. Figure out what you can have and work on that — Lalita Tademy

There is nothing more satisfying than having plans. — Lalita Tademy

One thing always sure. Life go on with you or without you, no matter how much you seen. — Lalita Tademy

They's a time for sitting still and praying the wind blow over you, and they's a time to rise up and face the storm. — Lalita Tademy

You be surprised what a person got in them to do when the time come. — Lalita Tademy

Wait long enough and you reap what you sow. That hold for men. That hold for towns. That hold for a whole country. — Lalita Tademy

Sometimes while you wait for what you think is better," Philomene said, "what is good enough slips away. — Lalita Tademy

Any nonsense come out they mouth. Some got the gift to make you laugh out loud, and others preach strong and spread the word of God. — Lalita Tademy

The two women worked easily together, but I soon sensed that, though Belle was in charge of the kitchen, Mama Mae was in charge of Belle. — Lalita Tademy